Thomas Lecaque in the Media

July 13, 2022

Dr. Thomas Lecaque, Associate Professor of History, has recently been featured in the media. 

Lecaque was on Canadian radio at the beginning of June--CBC's Day 6, also carried by NPR. The episode is titled Christian nationalists who have turned the AR-15 assault-style rifle into a religious artifact, says historian. In it, he discusses his Religion Dispatches piece here: Christian Nationalists and the Holy Gun Crusade | Religion Dispatches.

He was interviewed on Utah Public Radio's Access Utah, Far right extremism with Thomas LeCaque on Thursday's Access Utah, discussing his Bulwark piece here: Patriot Front and the Next Stage of the Culture War - The Bulwark.

Thomas also placed his first piece in Salon, "Jesus, guns, babies": Religious violence is now at the core of the Republican Party.

Lecaque recently had a new short peer reviewed article up at Age of Revolutions, looking at religious violence and liturgical celebrations in New France in the 17th and 18th century: Our Lady of Victories: Religious Violence and Liturgical Revolution in New France.

Dr. Lecaque has published 34 public essays in the Washington Post, the Bulwark, Religion Dispatches, Salon, History News Network, and others. He has also been interviewed by Australian, Canadian, and American radio networks, along with appearances on 8 podcasts.