Campus Safety & Security
Grand View is one of the nation’s safest colleges, with campus safety that ranks well into the upper quartile of colleges its size.
The university takes advantage of the very best aspects of a metropolitan setting – the urban vitality students crave combined with a safe residential neighborhood with a rich history. The well-established Union Park neighborhood is composed primarily of single-family homes, many that have been occupied by several generations of the same family. An active neighborhood association hosts events, welcomes newcomers and helps create a cohesive neighborhood identity. Several Grand View faculty and staff – and their extended families – call the Union Park area home.
We know that safety and security are important to students and to parents sending a student off to college, so we want you to know that we take the safety of our students very seriously.
To contact campus security please call 515-263-6000.
Learn More About GV Policies & Disclosures
Security in Campus Spaces
Although Grand View experiences no problems stemming from the neighborhood, like all colleges we strive to guard students against the infrequent intrusion of outsiders. Toward that end, Grand View has in place the following:
- Electronic keycard security in all campus residences.
- Security lighting and emergency phones across campus.
- Security staff to patrol campus and serve as student escorts at all hours of the day and night, every day of the year.
- Shuttle service to and from all campus locations.
- Security cameras in residential parking lots.
- Regular building security checks.
Grand View has very few instances of intruder acts. We provide education to students at orientation and at other intervals about how to ensure their own personal safety, helping them understand the measures they can take to keep themselves safe. In addition, the university will take any proactive legal measures that might be necessary to protect a student.
Security in a Social Setting
Many security problems on college campuses happen within the campus community itself, sometimes related to student substance abuse or emotional issues. While we have few significant problems in these areas, the university views them as serious issues when they do arise. We approach them from two perspectives: prevention and intervention.
Prevention |
All of the measures that help protect students from outside intrusions also help prevent problems within the campus community. In addition, professional staff in all residence halls monitor student behavior and assist when the occasional problem arises.
The university offers a variety of educational programs to help students create a community free of pressures and problems, whether they stem from substance abuse, date rape or other inappropriate behaviors. Strict, detailed policies and sanctions for violation are outlined in the Student Handbook. Students are made aware of those policies and are expected to abide by them.
Intervention |
Residence hall and other Student Life staff take proactive measures to intervene quickly when a problem surfaces. Decisive disciplinary action can head off most problems within the campus community. If necessary, the school brings in community law enforcement, takes legal action or avails itself of other community resources. |
GV Alerts
The GV Alert System is a multi-modal, mass communication system used to rapidly notify the Grand View campus community of emergencies, campus closures, and administrative information. GV Alert is capable of notifying message recipients of important information by phone, email, and text message.
Current Grand View students, faculty members, and staff are automatically opted-in to receive GV Alerts via your Grand View phone numbers and email addresses. You will also be automatically opted-in to receive GV Alerts relating to emergency situations via a personal phone number, email address, and/or mobile device you have provided Grand View in the past.
You may manage the types of GV Alerts and the communication methods used if you are logged on to the campus network. In myGVU, under the About Me tool section, select View/Update GV Alert System Settings. Be sure to select “No” for the GV Alert types and communication methods for which you desire to opt-out.
You may also opt-out of GV Alert text messages directly from your cellular phone or mobile device by texting “STOPGVALERT” to 23177. To opt-in to the text message service after you have previously opted out, you must text “SUBSCRIBE GVALERT” to 23177.
How to Opt Out of GV Alerts
Current Grand View students, faculty members, and staff are not allowed to opt-out of receiving GV Alerts via their Grand View phone numbers and email address.
What is the GV Alert System? |
The GV Alert System is a multimodal, mass communication system used to rapidly notify the Grand View campus community of emergencies, campus closures, and administrative information. GV Alert is capable of notifying message recipients of important information by phone, email, and text message.
How does the GV Alert System work? |
GV Alert allows university administrators to rapidly send messages (“GV Alerts”) to students, faculty, and staff by phone, email, and text message.
When an emergency, campus closure, or important administrative information is identified by the university administration, a GV Alert is sent to a specific portion or all of the campus community using contact information gathered and stored personal updates to the About Me tool “Update GV Alert System Settings” on the myGVU app. The GV Alert system is capable of sending thousands of voice messages, emails, and text messages in minutes.
GV Alert is built upon the Connect-ED® System, developed specifically for schools, colleges, and universities by Blackboard Connect, Inc.
What types of information will I be notified of via GV Alerts? |
GV Alerts are used to rapidly relay important information to the Grand View campus community regarding emergencies, campus closures, or administrative information. More information on emergencies, campus closures, and administrative information is below:
- Emergencies are moderate to severe incidents or disasters that disrupt sizable portions of the campus and surrounding community with wide-ranging and/or complex effects. Examples of emergencies include: building fire, major chemical spill, explosion, extensive power/utility outage, armed assailant, bomb threat, disruptive demonstrations, tornadoes that affect campus, severe flooding, prolonged blizzards, campus deaths, etc.
- Campus closures may be announced in relation to severe weather, travel advisories, or in conjunction with a major emergency or disaster.
- Administrative information may be critical and/or timely announcements relating to financial aid, registration, student housing, student accounts, etc.
What types of GV Alert methods are available? |
GV Alerts are delivered as recorded voice messages to phone numbers, email messages to email addresses, and text messages to mobile devices.
How do I sign up or opt-in to receive GV Alerts? |
If you are a current Grand View student, faculty member, or staff member, you are automatically opted-in to receive GV Alerts via your Grand View phone numbers and email addresses.
You can also receive GV Alerts on your personal phones, email addresses, and mobile devices.
Will I automatically be opted-in to receive GV Alerts? |
If you are a current Grand View student, faculty member, or staff member, you will be automatically opted-in to receive GV Alerts via your Grand View established phone number and email address.
You will also be automatically opted-in to receive GV Alerts relating to emergency situations via a personal phone number, email address, and/or mobile device you have provided Grand View in the past. In order to receive GV Alerts relating to campus closures and administrative information via your personal phone number, email address, and/or mobile device, you must manually opt-in.
Am I able to receive some types of GV Alerts and not others? |
Yes. Select “View/Update GV Alert System Settings” under the About Me tool on myGVU to determine which types of GV Alerts you would like to receive and how you would like to receive them. You are able to receive GV Alerts relating to emergencies, campus closures, and administrative notices via your personal phone number, email address, and mobile device.
You are automatically opted-in to receive GV Alerts relating to emergencies via a personal phone number, email address, and mobile device (text message) you have provided Grand View in the past. However, you may opt-out of receiving emergency GV Alerts via personal communications methods by updating your information on myGVU>About Me>View/Update GV Alert System Settings.
Will I receive a confirmation message after I opt-in for GV Alerts via text message? |
After you provide a cellular phone or mobile device number to receive GV Alerts via text message, you will receive a confirmation message sometime during the following business day. The confirmation message will read the following:
GVAlert: You are now confirmed to receive alerts from us. More info text
reply "HELP" or "STOP" to opt-out.
You do not need to take any action after receiving the confirmation message. You may reply with “HELP” for more information, or “STOP” to opt-out of the text message service.
To opt-out of the text message service at any time, text “STOP GVALERT” to 23177. To opt-in to the text message service, you must text “SUBSCRIBE GVALERT” to 23177.
NOTE: You will not receive a confirmation message after providing personal phone numbers or email addresses to receive GV Alerts via voice message or email message.
From what phone numbers and email addresses will I receive GV Alert messages? |
GV Alert phone calls come from the local phone number (515) 261-1399. You may want to program this number into your phone’s contacts as “GV Alert” so you can easily identify the number.
GV Alert email messages come from GVAlert @ Make sure you allow your personal email to receive messages from this sender.
GV Alert text messages come from the registered short code 23177 and begin with the following text: “GV Alert.” You may want to program 23177 into your phone’s contacts as “GV Alert” so you can easily identify the number.
NOTE: GV Alert recipients should not return phone calls or reply to email or text messages sent via the GV Alert system.
If I provide my cell phone number and personal email address for GV Alert, will it be published or shared on campus? |
No. Personal information collected and stored solely for the purposes of GV Alerts will not be published or shared in the campus directory or other campus databases.
Who is responsible for declaring an emergency or campus closure and sending a GV Alert? |
Campus emergency situations are declared by the Office of the President and the President’s Council. GV Alerts in response to emergencies or disaster situations are sent by the Office of the President in coordination with the Office of Marketing and Communications.
Campus closures are determined either by the Office of the President or the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. GV Alerts in response to campus closures are sent by the Office of the President and the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs in coordination with the Office of Marketing and Communications.
Where do I go for information about an emergency situation? |
In the event of an emergency or disaster related GV Alert, more information will be available on the Grand View website at |
What action should I take if I do receive a GV Alert? |
Brief instructions will usually be included in the GV Alert. Additional information and updates will also be provided online at:
Help spread the word by telling those around you what’s happening. (Word of mouth is an important form of notification.) Doing this by word of mouth (vs. by phone) leaves more phone lines open for the system to utilize.
NOTE: GV Alert recipients should not return phone calls or reply to email or text messages sent via the GV Alert system.
Is there a fee for the GV Alert System? |
There is no cost to students, faculty, and staff for the GV Alert service. Costs for the system are paid by the university.
If you elect to accept text messages, depending on your cellular provider and your cellular phone plan, you may incur a cost for incoming text messages. By opting into this GV Alert service you are agreeing to incur this cost, if any.
May I include contact information for a spouse or significant other, or parent(s), so that they'll be alerted during emergencies? |
Any number you include will be notified. However, information is designed for people on or near campus so GV Alerts may not be appropriate for others.
What is the time frame in which I should expect to receive a GV Alert? |
Circumstances vary, including the size of the notification audience, the time of day, etc. However, most GV Alerts by phone or text message should arrive within minutes of being initiated. Email GV Alerts serve largely as a backup or supplemental mechanism and typically take longer to be delivered.
How can the GV Alert System reach thousands of people in just minutes? |
The Connect-ED® mass notification engine supports the GV Alert System. Blackboard Connect maintains access to tens of thousands of phone lines originating from multiple locations throughout the United States to ensure that its clients' communities are delivered quickly and efficiently. Moreover, Blackboard Connect employs sophisticated call throttling logic to identify the proper schematics needed to deliver calls based upon whatever congestion the local telecommunications providers are experiencing at the moment calls are being attempted.
Will Blackboard Connect, Inc. share Grand View's information with third parties? |
No. Blackboard Connect, Inc. does not sell, lease, share, or rent personally identifiable information (names, addresses, phone numbers, etc.) to any companies or persons outside of Blackboard Connect, Inc.
Does the system support numeric pagers? |
No, the system does not support numeric pagers at this time. |
My contact information is up to date. Can I test my ability to be notified to make sure the system will work for me? |
Grand View does not have the means to provide an on-demand test notification for individuals at this time. However, we test the system campus-wide at regular intervals.
Should I attend classes (or come to work) if there is an extreme weather condition? |
Individuals should use good judgment and avoid serious risks in traveling to campus or in attending classes. If Grand View classes are cancelled, students should not report to class.
I recently graduated or left Grand View and no longer wish to receive GV Alerts. How can I ensure that I won't be notified? |
Your status in the official university databases dictates whether or not you receive GV Alerts. This status (and your presence in the GV Alert System) is updated regularly. If you are no longer an active student, faculty member, or staff member you should not need to take any action.
Are commuter students, adult learner students, and graduate students included in the GV Alert System? |
Yes. All current Grand View students are included in the GV Alert system.
How are duplicate phone numbers handled? |
In some cases, the same phone number may be listed multiple times in the GV Alert system (e.g. roommates sharing a room). To eliminate unnecessary and redundant phone calls during an emergency, the system will automatically reduce all occurrences of duplicate phone numbers to single, unique phone numbers before initiating a mass notification. |
Security of Property
We also take steps to secure the property of students and the institution itself, using the same measures we employ to guard our students’ physical safety. It is inevitable, however, that the occasional property crime happens. In those instances, the Des Moines police are called.

About GV Alert
The GV Alert System is a multi-modal, mass communication system used to rapidly notify the Grand View campus community of emergencies, campus closures, and administrative information. GV Alert is capable of notifying message recipients of important information by phone, email, and text message.
How to Opt Out of GV Alerts
Current Grand View students, faculty members, and staff are not allowed to opt-out of receiving GV Alerts via their Grand View phone numbers and email address.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the GV Alert System?
The GV Alert System is a multimodal, mass communication system used to rapidly notify the Grand View campus community of emergencies, campus closures, and administrative information. GV Alert is capable of notifying message recipients of important information by phone, email, and text message.
Click the image to update your personal contact information and make sure you receive all desired GV Alerts. (After following the link, you will be prompted for your myView username and password. If you are already logged on to the campus network, simply go to MyView and select GVAlert.)
How does the GV Alert System work?
GV Alert allows university administrators to rapidly send messages (“GV Alerts”) to students, faculty, and staff by phone, email, and text message.
When an emergency, campus closure, or important administrative information is identified by the university administration, a GV Alert is sent to a specific portion or all of the campus community using contact information gathered and stored by personal updates to myProfile on the myView web site. The GV Alert system is capable of sending thousands of voice messages, emails, and text messages in minutes.
GV Alert is built upon the Connect-ED® System, developed specifically for schools, colleges, and universities by Blackboard Connect, Inc.
What types of information will I be notified of via GV Alerts?
GV Alerts are used to rapidly relay important information to the Grand View campus community regarding emergencies, campus closures, or administrative information. More information on emergencies, campus closures, and administrative information is below:
• Emergencies are moderate to severe incidents or disasters that disrupt sizable portions of the campus and surrounding community with wide-ranging and/or complex effects. Examples of emergencies include: building fire, major chemical spill, explosion, extensive power/utility outage, armed assailant, bomb threat, disruptive demonstrations, tornadoes that affect campus, severe flooding, prolonged blizzards, campus deaths, etc.
• Campus closures may be announced in relation to severe weather, travel advisories, or in conjunction with a major emergency or disaster.
• Administrative information may be critical and/or timely announcements relating to financial aid, registration, student housing, student accounts, etc.
What types of GV Alert methods are available?
GV Alerts are delivered as recorded voice messages to phone numbers, email messages to email addresses, and text messages to mobile devices.
How do I sign up or opt-in to receive GV Alerts?
If you are a current Grand View student, faculty member, or staff member, you are automatically opted-in to receive GV Alerts via your Grand View phone numbers and email addresses.
You can also receive GV Alerts on your personal phones, email addresses, and mobile devices. Click the image to update your personal contact information and make sure you receive GV Alerts. (After following the preceding link, you will be prompted for your myView username and password.)
Will I automatically be opted-in to receive GV Alerts?
If you are a current Grand View student, faculty member, or staff member, you will be automatically opted-in to receive GV Alerts via your Grand View established phone number and email address.
You will also be automatically opted-in to receive GV Alerts relating to emergency situations via a personal phone number, email address, and/or mobile device you have provided Grand View in the past. In order to receive GV Alerts relating to campus closures and administrative information via your personal phone number, email address, and/or mobile device, you must manually opt-in.
Click the image to update your personal contact information and make sure you receive all desired GV Alerts. (After following the link, you will be prompted for your myView username and password. If you are already logged on to the campus network, simply go to MyView and select GVAlert.)
Am I able to receive some types of GV Alerts and not others?
Yes. Click the image to determine which types of GV Alerts you would like to receive and how you would like to receive them. You are able to receive GV Alerts relating to emergencies, campus closures, and administrative notices via your personal phone number, email address, and mobile device.
You are automatically opted-in to receive GV Alerts relating to emergencies via a personal phone number, email address, and mobile device (text message) you have provided Grand View in the past. However, you may opt-out of receiving emergency GV Alerts via personal communication methods by updating your information by clicking the image. (After following the link, you will be prompted for your myView username and password. If you are already logged on to the campus network, simply go to MyView and select GVAlert.)
Will I receive a confirmation message after I opt-in for GV Alerts via text message?
After you provide a cellular phone or mobile device number to receive GV Alerts via text message, you will receive a confirmation message sometime during the following business day. The confirmation message will read the following:
GVAlert: You are now confirmed to receive alerts from us. More info text
reply "HELP" or "STOP" to opt-out.
You do not need to take any action after receiving the confirmation message. You may reply with “HELP” for more information, or “STOP” to opt-out of the text message service.
To opt-out of the text message service at any time, text “STOP GVALERT” to 23177. To opt-in to the text message service, you must text “SUBSCRIBE GVALERT” to 23177.
NOTE: You will not receive a confirmation message after providing personal phone numbers or email addresses to receive GV Alerts via voice message or email message.
From what phone numbers and email addresses will I receive GV Alert messages?
GV Alert phone calls come from the local phone number (515) 261-1399. You may want to program this number into your phone’s contacts as “GV Alert” so you can easily identify the number.
GV Alert email messages come from Make sure you allow your personal email to receive messages from this sender.
GV Alert text messages come from the registered short code 23177 and begin with the following text: “GV Alert:”. You may want to program 23177 into your phone’s contacts as “GV Alert” so you can easily identify the number.
NOTE: GV Alert recipients should not return phone calls or reply to email or text messages sent via the GV Alert system.
If I provide my cell phone number and personal email address for GV Alert, will it be published or shared on campus?
No. Personal information collected and stored solely for the purposes of GV Alerts will not be published or shared in the campus directory or other campus databases.
Who is responsible for declaring an emergency or campus closure and sending a GV Alert?
Campus emergency situations are declared by the Office of the President and the President’s Council. GV Alerts in response to emergencies or disaster situations are sent by the Office of the President in coordination with the Office of Marketing and Communications.
Campus closures are determined either by the Office of the President or the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. GV Alerts in response to campus closures are sent by the Office of the President and the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs in coordination with the Office of Marketing and Communications.
Where do I go for information about an emergency situation?
In the event of an emergency or disaster related GV Alert, more information will be available on the Grand View website at
What action should I take if I do receive a GV Alert?
Brief instructions will usually be included in the GV Alert. Additional information and updates will also be provided online at:
Help spread the word by telling those around you what’s happening. (Word of mouth is an important form of notification.) Doing this by word of mouth (vs. by phone) leaves more phone lines open for the system to utilize.
NOTE: GV Alert recipients should not return phone calls or reply to email or text messages sent via the GV Alert system.
Is there a fee for the GV Alert System?
There is no cost to students, faculty, and staff for the GV Alert service. Costs for the system are paid by the university.
If you elect to accept text messages, depending on your cellular provider and your cellular phone plan, you may incur a cost for incoming text messages. By opting into this GV Alert service you are agreeing to incur this cost, if any.
May I include contact information for a spouse or significant other, or parent(s), so that they'll be alerted during emergencies?
Any number you include will be notified. However, information is designed for people on or near campus so GV Alerts may not be appropriate for others.
What is the time frame in which I should expect to receive a GV Alert?
Circumstances vary, including the size of the notification audience, the time of day, etc. However, most GV Alerts by phone or text message should arrive within minutes of being initiated. Email GV Alerts serve largely as a backup or supplemental mechanism and typically take longer to be delivered.
How can the GV Alert System reach thousands of people in just minutes?
The Connect-ED® mass notification engine supports the GV Alert System. Blackboard Connect maintains access to tens of thousands of phone lines originating from multiple locations throughout the United States to ensure that its clients' communities are delivered quickly and efficiently. Moreover, Blackboard Connect employs sophisticated call throttling logic to identify the proper schematics needed to deliver calls based upon whatever congestion the local telecommunications providers are experiencing at the moment calls are being attempted.
Will Blackboard Connect, Inc. share Grand View’s information with third parties?
No. Blackboard Connect, Inc. does not sell, lease, share, or rent personally identifiable information (names, addresses, phone numbers, etc.) to any companies or persons outside of Blackboard Connect, Inc.
Does the system support numeric pagers?
No, the system does not support numeric pagers at this time.
My contact information is up to date. Can I test my ability to be notified to make sure the system will work for me?
Grand View does not have the means to provide an on-demand test notification for individuals at this time. However, we test the system campus-wide at regular intervals.
Should I attend classes (or come to work) if there is an extreme weather condition?
Individuals should use good judgment and avoid serious risks in traveling to campus or in attending classes. If Grand View classes are cancelled, students should not report to class.
I recently graduated or left Grand View and no longer wish to receive GV Alerts. How can I ensure that I won't be notified?
Your status in the official university databases dictates whether or not you receive GV Alerts. This status (and your presence in the GV Alert System) is updated regularly. If you are no longer an active student, faculty member, or staff member you should not need to take any action.
Are commuter students, CPAL students, and graduate students included in the GV Alert System?
Yes. All current Grand View students are included in the GV Alert system.
How are duplicate phone numbers handled?
In some cases, the same phone number may be listed multiple times in the GV Alert system (e.g. roommates sharing a room). To eliminate unnecessary and redundant phone calls during an emergency, the system will automatically reduce all occurrences of duplicate phone numbers to single, unique phone numbers before initiating a mass notification.
You may opt-out of one or more types of GV Alerts and/or communication methods by updating your personal information by clicking the image and providing your user name and password. (If you are already logged on to the campus network, simply go to MyView and select GVAlert.) Be sure to select “No” for the GV Alert types and communication methods for which you desire to opt-out. (After following the preceding link, you will be prompted for your myView username and password.)
You may also opt-out of GV Alert text messages directly from your cellular phone or mobile device by texting “STOP GVALERT” to 23177. To opt-in to the text message service after you have previously opted out, you must text “SUBSCRIBE GVALERT” to 23177.

About GV Alert
The GV Alert System is a multi-modal, mass communication system used to rapidly notify the Grand View campus community of emergencies, campus closures, and administrative information. GV Alert is capable of notifying message recipients of important information by phone, email, and text message.
How to Opt Out of GV Alerts
Current Grand View students, faculty members, and staff are not allowed to opt-out of receiving GV Alerts via their Grand View phone numbers and email address.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the GV Alert System?
The GV Alert System is a multimodal, mass communication system used to rapidly notify the Grand View campus community of emergencies, campus closures, and administrative information. GV Alert is capable of notifying message recipients of important information by phone, email, and text message.
Click the image to update your personal contact information and make sure you receive all desired GV Alerts. (After following the link, you will be prompted for your myView username and password. If you are already logged on to the campus network, simply go to MyView and select GVAlert.)
How does the GV Alert System work?
GV Alert allows university administrators to rapidly send messages (“GV Alerts”) to students, faculty, and staff by phone, email, and text message.
When an emergency, campus closure, or important administrative information is identified by the university administration, a GV Alert is sent to a specific portion or all of the campus community using contact information gathered and stored by personal updates to myProfile on the myView web site. The GV Alert system is capable of sending thousands of voice messages, emails, and text messages in minutes.
GV Alert is built upon the Connect-ED® System, developed specifically for schools, colleges, and universities by Blackboard Connect, Inc.
What types of information will I be notified of via GV Alerts?
GV Alerts are used to rapidly relay important information to the Grand View campus community regarding emergencies, campus closures, or administrative information. More information on emergencies, campus closures, and administrative information is below:
• Emergencies are moderate to severe incidents or disasters that disrupt sizable portions of the campus and surrounding community with wide-ranging and/or complex effects. Examples of emergencies include: building fire, major chemical spill, explosion, extensive power/utility outage, armed assailant, bomb threat, disruptive demonstrations, tornadoes that affect campus, severe flooding, prolonged blizzards, campus deaths, etc.
• Campus closures may be announced in relation to severe weather, travel advisories, or in conjunction with a major emergency or disaster.
• Administrative information may be critical and/or timely announcements relating to financial aid, registration, student housing, student accounts, etc.
What types of GV Alert methods are available?
GV Alerts are delivered as recorded voice messages to phone numbers, email messages to email addresses, and text messages to mobile devices.
How do I sign up or opt-in to receive GV Alerts?
If you are a current Grand View student, faculty member, or staff member, you are automatically opted-in to receive GV Alerts via your Grand View phone numbers and email addresses.
You can also receive GV Alerts on your personal phones, email addresses, and mobile devices. Click the image to update your personal contact information and make sure you receive GV Alerts. (After following the preceding link, you will be prompted for your myView username and password.)
Will I automatically be opted-in to receive GV Alerts?
If you are a current Grand View student, faculty member, or staff member, you will be automatically opted-in to receive GV Alerts via your Grand View established phone number and email address.
You will also be automatically opted-in to receive GV Alerts relating to emergency situations via a personal phone number, email address, and/or mobile device you have provided Grand View in the past. In order to receive GV Alerts relating to campus closures and administrative information via your personal phone number, email address, and/or mobile device, you must manually opt-in.
Click the image to update your personal contact information and make sure you receive all desired GV Alerts. (After following the link, you will be prompted for your myView username and password. If you are already logged on to the campus network, simply go to MyView and select GVAlert.)
Am I able to receive some types of GV Alerts and not others?
Yes. Click the image to determine which types of GV Alerts you would like to receive and how you would like to receive them. You are able to receive GV Alerts relating to emergencies, campus closures, and administrative notices via your personal phone number, email address, and mobile device.
You are automatically opted-in to receive GV Alerts relating to emergencies via a personal phone number, email address, and mobile device (text message) you have provided Grand View in the past. However, you may opt-out of receiving emergency GV Alerts via personal communication methods by updating your information by clicking the image. (After following the link, you will be prompted for your myView username and password. If you are already logged on to the campus network, simply go to MyView and select GVAlert.)
Will I receive a confirmation message after I opt-in for GV Alerts via text message?
After you provide a cellular phone or mobile device number to receive GV Alerts via text message, you will receive a confirmation message sometime during the following business day. The confirmation message will read the following:
GVAlert: You are now confirmed to receive alerts from us. More info text
reply "HELP" or "STOP" to opt-out.
You do not need to take any action after receiving the confirmation message. You may reply with “HELP” for more information, or “STOP” to opt-out of the text message service.
To opt-out of the text message service at any time, text “STOP GVALERT” to 23177. To opt-in to the text message service, you must text “SUBSCRIBE GVALERT” to 23177.
NOTE: You will not receive a confirmation message after providing personal phone numbers or email addresses to receive GV Alerts via voice message or email message.
From what phone numbers and email addresses will I receive GV Alert messages?
GV Alert phone calls come from the local phone number (515) 261-1399. You may want to program this number into your phone’s contacts as “GV Alert” so you can easily identify the number.
GV Alert email messages come from Make sure you allow your personal email to receive messages from this sender.
GV Alert text messages come from the registered short code 23177 and begin with the following text: “GV Alert:”. You may want to program 23177 into your phone’s contacts as “GV Alert” so you can easily identify the number.
NOTE: GV Alert recipients should not return phone calls or reply to email or text messages sent via the GV Alert system.
If I provide my cell phone number and personal email address for GV Alert, will it be published or shared on campus?
No. Personal information collected and stored solely for the purposes of GV Alerts will not be published or shared in the campus directory or other campus databases.
Who is responsible for declaring an emergency or campus closure and sending a GV Alert?
Campus emergency situations are declared by the Office of the President and the President’s Council. GV Alerts in response to emergencies or disaster situations are sent by the Office of the President in coordination with the Office of Marketing and Communications.
Campus closures are determined either by the Office of the President or the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. GV Alerts in response to campus closures are sent by the Office of the President and the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs in coordination with the Office of Marketing and Communications.
Where do I go for information about an emergency situation?
In the event of an emergency or disaster related GV Alert, more information will be available on the Grand View website at
What action should I take if I do receive a GV Alert?
Brief instructions will usually be included in the GV Alert. Additional information and updates will also be provided online at:
Help spread the word by telling those around you what’s happening. (Word of mouth is an important form of notification.) Doing this by word of mouth (vs. by phone) leaves more phone lines open for the system to utilize.
NOTE: GV Alert recipients should not return phone calls or reply to email or text messages sent via the GV Alert system.
Is there a fee for the GV Alert System?
There is no cost to students, faculty, and staff for the GV Alert service. Costs for the system are paid by the university.
If you elect to accept text messages, depending on your cellular provider and your cellular phone plan, you may incur a cost for incoming text messages. By opting into this GV Alert service you are agreeing to incur this cost, if any.
May I include contact information for a spouse or significant other, or parent(s), so that they'll be alerted during emergencies?
Any number you include will be notified. However, information is designed for people on or near campus so GV Alerts may not be appropriate for others.
What is the time frame in which I should expect to receive a GV Alert?
Circumstances vary, including the size of the notification audience, the time of day, etc. However, most GV Alerts by phone or text message should arrive within minutes of being initiated. Email GV Alerts serve largely as a backup or supplemental mechanism and typically take longer to be delivered.
How can the GV Alert System reach thousands of people in just minutes?
The Connect-ED® mass notification engine supports the GV Alert System. Blackboard Connect maintains access to tens of thousands of phone lines originating from multiple locations throughout the United States to ensure that its clients' communities are delivered quickly and efficiently. Moreover, Blackboard Connect employs sophisticated call throttling logic to identify the proper schematics needed to deliver calls based upon whatever congestion the local telecommunications providers are experiencing at the moment calls are being attempted.
Will Blackboard Connect, Inc. share Grand View’s information with third parties?
No. Blackboard Connect, Inc. does not sell, lease, share, or rent personally identifiable information (names, addresses, phone numbers, etc.) to any companies or persons outside of Blackboard Connect, Inc.
Does the system support numeric pagers?
No, the system does not support numeric pagers at this time.
My contact information is up to date. Can I test my ability to be notified to make sure the system will work for me?
Grand View does not have the means to provide an on-demand test notification for individuals at this time. However, we test the system campus-wide at regular intervals.
Should I attend classes (or come to work) if there is an extreme weather condition?
Individuals should use good judgment and avoid serious risks in traveling to campus or in attending classes. If Grand View classes are cancelled, students should not report to class.
I recently graduated or left Grand View and no longer wish to receive GV Alerts. How can I ensure that I won't be notified?
Your status in the official university databases dictates whether or not you receive GV Alerts. This status (and your presence in the GV Alert System) is updated regularly. If you are no longer an active student, faculty member, or staff member you should not need to take any action.
Are commuter students, CPAL students, and graduate students included in the GV Alert System?
Yes. All current Grand View students are included in the GV Alert system.
How are duplicate phone numbers handled?
In some cases, the same phone number may be listed multiple times in the GV Alert system (e.g. roommates sharing a room). To eliminate unnecessary and redundant phone calls during an emergency, the system will automatically reduce all occurrences of duplicate phone numbers to single, unique phone numbers before initiating a mass notification.
You may opt-out of one or more types of GV Alerts and/or communication methods by updating your personal information by clicking the image and providing your user name and password. (If you are already logged on to the campus network, simply go to MyView and select GVAlert.) Be sure to select “No” for the GV Alert types and communication methods for which you desire to opt-out. (After following the preceding link, you will be prompted for your myView username and password.)
You may also opt-out of GV Alert text messages directly from your cellular phone or mobile device by texting “STOP GVALERT” to 23177. To opt-in to the text message service after you have previously opted out, you must text “SUBSCRIBE GVALERT” to 23177.

About GV Alert
The GV Alert System is a multi-modal, mass communication system used to rapidly notify the Grand View campus community of emergencies, campus closures, and administrative information. GV Alert is capable of notifying message recipients of important information by phone, email, and text message.
How to Opt Out of GV Alerts
Current Grand View students, faculty members, and staff are not allowed to opt-out of receiving GV Alerts via their Grand View phone numbers and email address.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the GV Alert System?
The GV Alert System is a multimodal, mass communication system used to rapidly notify the Grand View campus community of emergencies, campus closures, and administrative information. GV Alert is capable of notifying message recipients of important information by phone, email, and text message.
Click the image to update your personal contact information and make sure you receive all desired GV Alerts. (After following the link, you will be prompted for your myView username and password. If you are already logged on to the campus network, simply go to MyView and select GVAlert.)
How does the GV Alert System work?
GV Alert allows university administrators to rapidly send messages (“GV Alerts”) to students, faculty, and staff by phone, email, and text message.
When an emergency, campus closure, or important administrative information is identified by the university administration, a GV Alert is sent to a specific portion or all of the campus community using contact information gathered and stored by personal updates to myProfile on the myView web site. The GV Alert system is capable of sending thousands of voice messages, emails, and text messages in minutes.
GV Alert is built upon the Connect-ED® System, developed specifically for schools, colleges, and universities by Blackboard Connect, Inc.
What types of information will I be notified of via GV Alerts?
GV Alerts are used to rapidly relay important information to the Grand View campus community regarding emergencies, campus closures, or administrative information. More information on emergencies, campus closures, and administrative information is below:
• Emergencies are moderate to severe incidents or disasters that disrupt sizable portions of the campus and surrounding community with wide-ranging and/or complex effects. Examples of emergencies include: building fire, major chemical spill, explosion, extensive power/utility outage, armed assailant, bomb threat, disruptive demonstrations, tornadoes that affect campus, severe flooding, prolonged blizzards, campus deaths, etc.
• Campus closures may be announced in relation to severe weather, travel advisories, or in conjunction with a major emergency or disaster.
• Administrative information may be critical and/or timely announcements relating to financial aid, registration, student housing, student accounts, etc.
What types of GV Alert methods are available?
GV Alerts are delivered as recorded voice messages to phone numbers, email messages to email addresses, and text messages to mobile devices.
How do I sign up or opt-in to receive GV Alerts?
If you are a current Grand View student, faculty member, or staff member, you are automatically opted-in to receive GV Alerts via your Grand View phone numbers and email addresses.
You can also receive GV Alerts on your personal phones, email addresses, and mobile devices. Click the image to update your personal contact information and make sure you receive GV Alerts. (After following the preceding link, you will be prompted for your myView username and password.)
Will I automatically be opted-in to receive GV Alerts?
If you are a current Grand View student, faculty member, or staff member, you will be automatically opted-in to receive GV Alerts via your Grand View established phone number and email address.
You will also be automatically opted-in to receive GV Alerts relating to emergency situations via a personal phone number, email address, and/or mobile device you have provided Grand View in the past. In order to receive GV Alerts relating to campus closures and administrative information via your personal phone number, email address, and/or mobile device, you must manually opt-in.
Click the image to update your personal contact information and make sure you receive all desired GV Alerts. (After following the link, you will be prompted for your myView username and password. If you are already logged on to the campus network, simply go to MyView and select GVAlert.)
Am I able to receive some types of GV Alerts and not others?
Yes. Click the image to determine which types of GV Alerts you would like to receive and how you would like to receive them. You are able to receive GV Alerts relating to emergencies, campus closures, and administrative notices via your personal phone number, email address, and mobile device.
You are automatically opted-in to receive GV Alerts relating to emergencies via a personal phone number, email address, and mobile device (text message) you have provided Grand View in the past. However, you may opt-out of receiving emergency GV Alerts via personal communication methods by updating your information by clicking the image. (After following the link, you will be prompted for your myView username and password. If you are already logged on to the campus network, simply go to MyView and select GVAlert.)
Will I receive a confirmation message after I opt-in for GV Alerts via text message?
After you provide a cellular phone or mobile device number to receive GV Alerts via text message, you will receive a confirmation message sometime during the following business day. The confirmation message will read the following:
GVAlert: You are now confirmed to receive alerts from us. More info text
reply "HELP" or "STOP" to opt-out.
You do not need to take any action after receiving the confirmation message. You may reply with “HELP” for more information, or “STOP” to opt-out of the text message service.
To opt-out of the text message service at any time, text “STOP GVALERT” to 23177. To opt-in to the text message service, you must text “SUBSCRIBE GVALERT” to 23177.
NOTE: You will not receive a confirmation message after providing personal phone numbers or email addresses to receive GV Alerts via voice message or email message.
From what phone numbers an