Campus Ministry
Campus Ministry oversees faith life at Grand View. As a Lutheran university, grounded in the gospel of Jesus, the pursuit of faith matters deeply to our identity. For this reason, we welcome people of all stages of faith – the searcher, the doubter, and the committed – and support students in their own spiritual journey, regardless of their religious affiliation. There is a place for you at Grand View. At Campus Ministry, you are welcome, you are valued, and you are loved. We want to help you thrive and connect.
Connect with Campus Ministry Staff. People meet the Director of Faith Life, the Campus Pastor, or Campus Ministry staff for a variety of reasons, and sometimes for no reason at all! Campus Ministry folks are good listeners who are skilled in guiding individuals through a variety of interests or concerns, including:
- Times of crisis or grief
- Big questions: about faith or religion, meaning and purpose (we call this vocation), spirituality and justice, identity and worldview, etc.
- Check-ins just for fun over soda, coffee, or tea
- Interest in graduate theological education, seminary, or ministry-related professions