Scholarships & Grants

When you invest in a Grand View education, you are investing a substantial amount of energy, time and money in yourself and your future. We invite you to take a closer look at Grand View and compare our value to the other options you are considering. You will find that Grand View University’s exceptional education is affordable.

Grand View is committed to making a private education available to all students, regardless of financial standing. We’ll help you and your family consider all the financial aid options, so you can best plan your investment. Students returning to Grand View from any leave of absence will be eligible to resume the scholarship or grant awards they qualified for when they began their leave assuming all qualification criteria are still met.

Our advice – be deliberate. Weigh your options. Make comparisons. When you are ready to make your decision, we’re confident you’ll find yourself at Grand View University.

Commuter GV Aid Policy

Academic scholarship and grant amounts are based on living on campus and will be reduced by $2,000 if you are eligible and decide to commute. Commuter students may receive the maximum Grand View aid amount for commuters in addition to state or federal grants they are eligible for. This maximum amount of GV aid a commuter student can receive for 2025-2026 is $23,500.


Students who are eligible for Grand View University grants or scholarships may receive a named endowed scholarship to help fund academic and need-based awards. Especially meaningful, these scholarships are established by individuals who care deeply about Grand View and its students. Some donors are Grand View alumni or friends of the university who were themselves the beneficiaries of student aid. An endowed scholarship can establish a direct connection between you and the donor; many donors welcome the opportunity to meet or correspond with the students who receive their awards. Note that: A named endowed scholarship does not change the total amount of financial aid awarded but will rather help fund the scholarships you are already receiving. Scholarships are awarded to students who meet the criteria specific to each fund. You are automatically considered for these funds when you apply for financial assistance. Selection is based on a student’s match with a donor’s criteria, and receipt of the endowed scholarship can enhance a resume for future job searches. We will ask that you submit Thank You notes in appreciation of our generous donors.

First-Year Student Academic Awards & Scholarships

Grand View academic and need-based scholarships are four-year renewable scholarships available to new full-time day students. To qualify, students must meet specific academic requirements, apply and be accepted to Grand View. These scholarship and grant amounts are based on living on campus and will be reduced by $2,000 for students who commute. Please note that the award amount of the academic merit scholarship is determined by the information reviewed in your application at the point of admission. You may be invited to compete for additional scholarship awards at Grand View's Scholarship Days. All non-winning students attending a scholarship day event will receive an additional $1,000 scholarship award.

Scholarship Amount
Presidential Scholarship (winners at this level also qualify for the Presidential Ambassador Program) Up to $21,000
Dean's Scholarship Up to $19,000
Director's Award Up to $17,000
GV Scholar's Award Up to $15,000
Grand View Grant Up to $13,000
Amounts may vary for students receiving athletic scholarships based on the overall Grand View institutional aid offer.

Additional Academic Awards

  • Presidential Scholarship level may compete for full tuition and additional $5,000 awards at scholarship days.
  • Dean's Scholarship level may compete for additional $3,000 awards at scholarship days.
  • Director's Award and GV Scholar's Award level may compete for additional $2,000 awards at scholarship days.
Discover Iowa Award

The Discover Iowa Award is a $1,000 award offered to new first-year students from out of state who visit campus through an individual admissions visit or admissions event.

Admissions events that qualify for this award include: academic actions days, admissions preview days, scholarship day events, and admissions visit days. One $1,000 award offered per student and the award is renewable for 4 years.

Register for an admissions event.

GV Honors Scholarship

Incoming first-year students who quality and participate in the GV Honors program and who have a 3.91 or higher high school GPA may compete for a $5,000 annually renewable scholarship by attending one of Grand View’s Scholarship Day events in November or February. The GV Honors Scholarship is renewable for a total of four years if the student maintains full-time day enrollment status and continuous enrollment in the program.

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Nursing Honors Scholarship

Prospective or incoming first-year students with an interest in nursing who have a 3.91 or higher high school GPA may compete for a $5,000 annually renewable scholarship. Students must participate in the Nursing and Honors Program and participate in one of Grand View’s Scholarship Day events in November or February. The Nursing Honors Scholarship is renewable for a total of four years if the student maintains:

  • Full-time day enrollment status
  • Continuous enrollment in the pre-nursing and nursing program

Learn More about Scholarship Day

Social Work Honors Scholarship

Prospective or incoming first-year students with an interest in social work who have a 3.91 or higher high school GPA may compete for a $5,000 annually renewable scholarship. Students must participate in the Social Work and Honors Program and participate in one of Grand View’s Scholarship Day events in November or February. The Social Work Honors Scholarship is renewable for a total of four years if the student maintains:

  • Full-time day enrollment status
  • Continuous enrollment in the pre-social work or social work programs

Learn More about Scholarship Day

STEM Honors Scholarship

Incoming first-year students with an interest in one of Grand View's science, technology, pre-engineering, or math (STEM) programs who have a 3.91 or higher high school GPA may compete for a $5,000 annually renewable scholarship. Students must participate in one of Grand View's Scholarship Day events in November or February. The STEM Honors Scholarship is renewable for a total of four years if the student maintains:

  • Full-time day enrollment status
  • Continuous enrollment in a Grand View STEM program

Learn More about Scholarship Day

Transfer Student Academic Awards & Scholarships

Grand View academic and need-based scholarships are renewable scholarships available to new full-time day students. To qualify, students must meet specific academic requirements, apply and be accepted to Grand View. These scholarship and grant amounts are based on living on campus and will be reduced by $2,000 for students who commute. Please note that the award amount of the academic merit scholarship is determined by the information reviewed in your application at the point of admission.

Students do not fill out a special application for the Presidential or Dean's Scholarships, Director's Award, GV Scholar's Award or Grand View Grant.

Scholarship Amount
Presidential Scholarship Up to $20,000
Dean's Scholarship Up to $18,000
Director's Award Up to $16,000
GV Scholar's Award Up to $14,000
Grand View Grant Up to $10,000
Outstanding Community College Transfer Scholarships

A $1,500 renewable scholarship awarded each year (maximum of three years) to new full-time day students who transfer to Grand View directly from an accredited community college/junior college/two-year institution. To qualify, students must transfer a cumulative GPA of 3.0 and a minimum of 45 semester hours, complete an Outstanding Community College Transfer Scholarship application, provide two written references, including one academic, and submit recorded service to the community or college.

Deadline for application is May 1 for fall semester and December 1 for spring semester. Renewal is based on maintaining full-time day enrollment. A limited number of awards are offered.

Apply Here

Academic Reference Form

Phi Theta Kappa

To qualify for consideration for the $1,000 scholarship, the student must be admitted as an undergraduate full-time day transfer student, be an active member of a community college chapter and submit a Phi Theta Kappa scholarship application. Deadline for application is August 1 for fall semester and January 1 for spring semester. Renewal is based on maintaining full-time day enrollment. 

Download Scholarship Application Form

Additional Grand View Scholarships

Alumni Scholarship A four-year renewable scholarship of $1,000 awarded to new full-time day first-year or transfer students whose parent(s) received either an associate, bachelor's or master's degree at Grand View.
Viking Alumni Referral Scholarship A four-year renewable scholarship of $1,000 awarded to new, full-time day first-year or transfer students who are referred by GV alumni who have received a bachelor's or master's degree at Grand View.
Alumni Referral Scholarship Nomination Form
Art & Design Scholarship

You could qualify for an Art & Design Scholarship ranging from $750 - $3,000. Scholarships are available to new, full-time students at Grand View majoring in Art Education, Game Design, Graphic Design or Studio Arts.

Art Scholarship Days are held several times per year. During those events, student will bring art work for a portfolio review with art and design faculty members as well as have additional options of sitting in on an art class, meeting with admissions and doing a campus tour. Register here

Art & Design Scholarships are renewable based on continued full-time day enrollment as in Art Education, Game Design, Graphic Design or Studio Arts major at Grand View.

Athletic Scholarship Grand View is a member of the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) and offers athletic scholarships in archery, baseball, basketball, bowling, competitive cheer, cross country, football, golf, shotgun, soccer, tennis, track & field, volleyball, and wrestling for men, and archery, basketball, bowling, competitive cheer, competitive dance, cross country, golf, shotgun, soccer, softball, tennis, track & field, and volleyball, and wrestling for women. Scholarships begin at $500 and are based on athletic ability as evaluated by the coaches. Athletic scholarships are renewable each year based on continued good standing within the athletic program.
Catalyst Scholarship

The Catalyst Scholarship is intended to support the education of a full-time student majoring in social work who shows promise as a strong catalyst for change. This $1,000 scholarship gives preference to students who are historically underrepresented in the field of social work.

Students must meet these qualifications:

  • Admitted to the social work program
  • Enrolled in at least the first full year after acceptance to the major
  • 3.0 cumulative grade point average at Grand View

Applicants must submit an essay indicating how they see themselves as catalysts for change, both as students and as future social workers.

Application deadline: March 24

Apply Here

Diana (’87) and Philip Sickles Scholarship
  • $2,000 scholarship
  • Undergraduate social work majors given preference or other mental health fields/majors
  • Has financial need as defined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
  • Black student
  • Preference given to first-generation college students

Selection of Recipient: Process

  • The financial aid staff will select students who meet the selection criteria and inform them of their award.
  • The Scholarship may be renewed from year to year so long as recipient continues to demonstrate financial need and maintains full-time enrollment.
Jacob F. Opel Memorial Scholarship

The Jacob F. Opel Memorial Scholarship is available to sophomores, juniors and seniors who are studying nursing and business and are US citizens. Two $2,000 scholarships will be awarded. Must be a graduate of Des Moines Public Schools.

Application deadline: December 13

Apply Here

Lee and Diane (Gill '76) Doidge Endowed Biology Scholarship

The Doidge Endowed Biology Scholarship was created to support pre-professional or science majors in their junior or sophomore year of class standing. The scholarship is given to students with a 3.0 cumulative grade point average or higher who have shown financial need as defined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Application deadline: March 28

Apply Here

Esports Scholarship Grand View offers a competitive Esports program, which offers scholarships to a limited number of program participants. Scholarships are renewable each year based on continued good standing with the Esports program.
Philip L. Hougen Campus Ministry Scholarship

Established in honor of former Bishop Philip L. Hougen, awarded to a selected number of applicants from Lutheran congregations who express intention to participate regularly in Grand View Campus Ministry. Awards range between $500 – $1,500 and are renewable based on maintaining a full-time day enrollment and participation in campus ministry activities.

This application deadline has passed, please check back soon.

Lutheran Music Program Scholarship A renewable $1,000 scholarship available to alumni of the Lutheran Music Program (Lutheran Summer Music) for students majoring in music, music education, or church music. Recipients may also audition for an additional Pro Musica Scholarship.
Marsha A. Conboy Shining Star Scholarship
This scholarship help students in their pursuit of an Art Education degree. Selected by the Art Education faculty, this $1,000 renewable award for students majoring in Art Education. Preference is given to those students majoring in Art Education and English.
All-State Music Scholarship $1,500 is awarded to full-time day students who have participated in a high school all-state festival for at least one year and demonstrate talent in piano, vocal and instrumental music regardless of major. The All-State Music Scholarship is renewable based on participation in both an ensemble and private lessons with continuous good standing in both areas.
Musical Arts Scholarship

A scholarship available to selected new full-time day students who demonstrate talent in piano, vocal and instrumental music regardless of major. Scholarships range from $500 – $4,000.

The music scholarship is renewable based on participation in both an ensemble and private lessons with continuous good standing in both areas.

National Alumni Council Scholarship

This scholarship, established in 2013 by Grand View University’s National Alumni Council (NAC), is designed to assist students in reaching their educational goals. It is the donors’ hope that the recipients of this scholarship will seek to better their lives, and be positive role models for others as they work to improve their communities. NAC awards an annual $1,000 scholarship that is paid as two equal payments in the fall and spring semesters of the upcoming academic year.

Application deadline: March 1

Apply Here

The NEXUS Institute Theology Scholarship

A scholarship of $5,000 is available to prospective students who are past participants of Grand View’s NEXUS program. In addition to NEXUS participation, students must be a Lutheran student who expresses intention to participate regularly in Grand View campus ministry activities and serve as a NEXUS mentor during the NEXUS program the summer following their first year of enrollment. Recipients are also required to major in theology and maintain full-time day enrollment. Renewal is also based on level of participation in campus ministry activities and NEXUS mentoring.

This application deadline has passed, please check back soon.
Study Abroad/Study Trip Scholarships

Grand View University values study abroad experiences and offer scholarships to students taking these trips. Through the Alice (Olsen ’60) and Dan Mikel ’60 Endowed Scholarship, The Merv E. Bro Scholarship, The Thorup Scholarship, and the Joan and Bertram Stivers Scholarship, students can apply for scholarship dollars to finance a portion of their travel experience.

Apply Here


April 15 for Fall and Summer semester study abroad programs/yearlong study abroad programs.

September 15 for spring semester study abroad programs.

November 15 for Grand View hosted May Term trips.

Theatre Arts Scholarship

First-year and transfer students who have applied and been accepted to Grand View are invited to interview/audition for scholarships offered by the Theatre Arts Department. Theatre Arts Scholarships are awarded at varying levels: Major, minor and interest, in amounts starting at $1,000 annually.

Adult Online & Evening Student Awards

Clausen Lifelong Learning Scholarship

Recipients of the Clausen Lifelong Learning Scholarship with documented financial need may receive $250 per credit hour, up to a total of $5,000, per academic year.

Priority deadline: May 1

Apply Here

Graduate Assistance

Master of Social Work Catalyst Scholarship  

The Catalyst Scholarship is intended to support the education of a full-time student majoring in social work who shows promise as a strong catalyst for change. This $5000 scholarship gives preference to students who are historically underrepresented in the field of social work and earning their MSW. Students must meet these qualifications:

  • Admitted to the social work program
  • 3.0 cumulative grade point average at Grand View

Applicants must submit an essay indicating how they see themselves as catalysts for change, both as students and as future social workers.

Application deadline: December 13

Apply Here

Jacobson Fellowship

Graduate students in the Master of Education program may be eligible for the Jacobson Fellowship, a scholarship of $400 per semester for a student is enrolled in 3 credits or $800 for a student is enrolled in 6 or more credits per semester. Recipients must be accepted into the program, have earned an undergraduate cumulative GPA of 3.0 and must be nominated/recommended by a school administrator. Renewal for a second year requires a 3.0 GPA in the master's program.

Nomination Form

State of Iowa Assistance

Iowa Tuition Grant A grant based on financial need with a typical maximum award of $8,500 in the 2024-25 school year, awarded to students up to a maximum of four years. To qualify, you must be a resident of Iowa, a United States citizen or residing in the United States on a permanent visa, currently enrolled or planning to enroll in an undergraduate program at an Iowa private college, and you must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) annually before July 1. Typically more than 60% of Grand View's full-time day Iowa students qualify for this grant program.
All Iowa Opportunity Scholarship The All Iowa Opportunity Scholarship Program is awarded to students that are taking at least 3 credit hours, completed a FAFSA, completed a state application at and are an Iowa resident. Iowa College Student Aid Commission selects the award recipients. Awards are prorated for students enrolling on a less than full-time basis.
All Iowa Opportunity Foster Care Grant The All Iowa Opportunity Foster Care Grant is awarded to students who were previously adjudicated in the Iowa foster care system and are taking at least 3 credit hours, completed a FAFSA, completed a state application at and are an Iowa resident. Iowa College Student Aid Commission selects the award recipients. Awards are prorated for students enrolling less than full-time and based on the student’s enrollment status. Eligibility for this program ends when a student turns age 24.
Iowa Education and Training Voucher The Education and Training Voucher (ETV) Grant is a federally-funded program to provide post-secondary education and training opportunities to students who are currently or who have been in foster care. Students must complete a FAFSA, complete a state application and taking at least 3 credit hours. Students can be funded until the age of 23 provided they were participating in the ETV program by age 21. Iowa College Student Aid Commission selects the award recipients. Awards are prorated for students enrolling less than full-time.
Iowa National Guard Education Assistance The Iowa National Guard Education Assistance Program (NGEAP) provides funds to members of the Iowa National Guard units. Soldiers or Airmen must be an active member of the Iowa Army or Air National Guard, be a resident of the state of Iowa, and have satisfactorily completed initial entry training. Soldiers or Airmen cannot have met the academic requirements for a baccalaureate degree or received NGEAP for more than 120 semester hours. Applications should be submitted to on or before July 1 through the Iowa Financial Aid Application. Spring-only applicants should submit their applications on or before December 1. The Adjutant General of Iowa selects eligible recipients.
ISL Education Lending Scholarship
January 6 – March 31, 2025

The ISL Education Lending Scholarship awards 45 deposits of $1,000 into College Savings Iowa accounts for Iowa residents in high school or undergraduate college, or the parents, guardians or others who hold a College Savings Iowa account for high school or undergraduate college student.

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Matching Scholarships

Education Partners in Covenant (EPIC)

A renewable, matching scholarship up to $500 per year, awarded to full-time students who are members of Lutheran congregations and have received awards from those congregations.

How do congregations enroll in EPIC? Check with your pastor or congregational council to see if your congregation is enrolled in EPIC. If not, a representative can enroll by completing this form. For more information, contact the the Office of Financial Aid at (515) 263-2995 or finaid @

Dollars for Scholars A volunteer-driven national network of more than 1,260 community-based scholarship foundations serving nearly 4,000 communities across the U.S. in support of local students. Grand View will match up to $500.
ICF - Prairie Meadows Scholarship Grand View will match the $2,500 scholarships that are awarded by Prairie Meadows for students that enroll at Grand View. This match is for the first year only.
Latinos Unidos of Iowa Scholarship

In partnership with Latinos Unidos of Iowa, Grand View University will match a Latinos Unidos of Iowa scholarship of up to $1,000 per year for a student enrolling as a full-time day undergraduate student for a maximum of four years.  The match for the first year will be credited to the student account when the Latinos Unidos of Iowa Scholarship is received.  If the student attends another institution before transferring to Grand View, they will only be awarded the Grand View matching award if they have not used their Latinos Unidos of Iowa Scholarship at another institution.

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Outside Sources of Aid

Students also have a number of outside scholarships available. Outside scholarships are usually awarded by corporations, civic groups and/or educational groups.

ISL Midwest Senior Scholarship

The ISL Midwest Senior Scholarship from Iowa Student Loan® offers ten $1,000 college scholarships to incoming freshmen from surrounding states.

To be eligible, students must be current high school seniors from Illinois, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, South Dakota or Wisconsin who attend college in fall 2025. They may attend any eligible U.S. college either virtually or physically. Students do not need to attend an Iowa college or university to be eligible.

Find out more through this infographic (PDF).

The scholarship has no requirements for minimum GPA or class rank, financial need, intended major or purchase.

To qualify, students must:

Registered students will also receive important college planning and financing tips via email during the registration period.

Adult Students in Scholastic Transition (ASIST) Scholarship The Adult Students in Scholastic Transition (ASIST) Scholarship is a non-discriminatory, educational scholarship program for the benefit of nontraditional students pursuing an associate, bachelor or master’s degree, or a technical/professional certificate. These include people who are:
  • Already in the workforce and wanting to attend school to further their education or training
  • Non-traditional students already enrolled in a college, university, or trade school program
  • Already in the workforce and needing re-training due to changes in their workplace
  • Non-traditional students wanting to begin a college or training program to join the workforce

Applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Ability to specify the educational requirements needed to attain clearly defined educational/professional goals and objectives         
  • Must legally reside within the EWI of Des Moines Chapter boundaries which include the following Iowa counties: Adair, Appanoose, Boone, Clarke, Dallas, Davis, Decatur, Greene, Guthrie, Hamilton, Hardin, Jasper, Lucas, Madison,  Mahaska, Marion, Marshall, Monroe, Polk, Ringgold, Story, Union, Wapello, Warren, Wayne or Webster
  • Selection criteria give preference to those that demonstrate financial need; are socially, physically and/or economically disadvantaged adults; displaced homemakers; and/or heads of household with small children or dependent adults

Application deadline: March 31

All applications must be completed online using the Kaleidoscope website.

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EXPAN Scholarship Search

This is a free web version of the College Board's FUND FINDER scholarship database. The database contains listings of scholarships, loans, internships and other types of financial aid programs from 3,300 national state, public, and private sources. The database is updated annually.

Explore EXPAN Scholarships

Fast WEB (Financial Aid Search Through the WEB)

This is a searchable database of more than 275,000 private sector scholarships, fellowships, grants and loans. It is free to search the database through the World Wide Web. Fast WEB allows the student to fill out a profile and then responds with award programs that match the profile. Any new scholarships added to the database that match the student's profile are put into the student's "mailbox." The student may also generate and print a form letter from their web browser requesting applications and materials.

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Hispanic College Fund Scholarships

Provides information about scholarship opportunities for qualified Hispanic applicants.

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College Planning Center

Information to help you plan your college career.

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BigSun Scholarship

Available to athletes, the BigSun Organization is proud to be able to help young athletes succeed in their academic pursuits. All student athletes are eligible regardless of the sport they are engaged in or the capacity in which they participate. The student must be a high school senior or be attending a post secondary institute to qualify.

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Hispanic Scholarship Resources

Provides information about financial aid and scholarships for Hispanic students.

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Good Call

Considered one of the largest free scholarship databases on the web and offers easy-to-use search features.

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Citrix ShareFile

Offers the Citrix ShareFile Scholarship for Future Entrepreneurs.

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The American Association for Colleges of Nursing Learn More
Johnson & Johnson Nursing Learn More
National Nursing Student Association
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CAPTRUST Scholarship

CAPTRUST is offering 5 scholarships of $2000. To be considered for this scholarship, you must submit an essay response. Responses must be a maximum of 800 words, details noted in the link.

This scholarship is ongoing for all fall and spring semesters. CAPTRUST does have one request and that is anyone who has a Full Time Job is excluded from this scholarship opportunity. If you have a Part Time Job you are still ok to apply.

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Torrison Medical Scholarship The Dr. George and Emma J. Torrison Scholarship Program makes available $5,000 scholarships for students who intend to pursue careers in medicine. An endowment in memory of George and Emma J. Torrison makes this award possible, with additional support from the Frederick W. Williams Scholarship Endowment. Both endowments are managed by the Foundation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Application will open later this fall.
Kuru Footwear Path to Caring Excellence Nursing Scholarship  

The Path to Caring Excellence Scholarship has been established to support and empower nursing students in their pursuit of academic and professional excellence in the field of healthcare.

The winner will receive a one-time $1,000 scholarship to be applied to qualified expenses, including undergraduate tuition, fees, books, and on-campus room and board for the 2023-2024 academic year.

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Banyan Scholarship for Clinical Education and Healthcare Professions

The Banyan Scholarship for Clinical Education and Healthcare Professions offers $1,000 worth of grant to support working students in healthcare fields. This scholarship is open to students pursuing careers in healthcare, including medical, mental health, addiction treatment, clinical, and social care professions.

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