Alumni Scholarship |
A four-year renewable scholarship of $1,000 awarded to new full-time day first-year or transfer students whose parent(s) received either an associate, bachelor's or master's degree at Grand View. |
Viking Alumni Referral Scholarship |
A four-year renewable scholarship of $1,000 awarded to new, full-time day first-year or transfer students who are referred by GV alumni who have received a bachelor's or master's degree at Grand View.
Alumni Referral Scholarship Nomination Form |
Art & Design Scholarship |
You could qualify for an Art & Design Scholarship ranging from $750 - $3,000. Scholarships are available to new, full-time students at Grand View majoring in Art Education, Game Design, Graphic Design or Studio Arts.
Art Scholarship Days are held several times per year. During those events, student will bring art work for a portfolio review with art and design faculty members as well as have additional options of sitting in on an art class, meeting with admissions and doing a campus tour. Register here
Art & Design Scholarships are renewable based on continued full-time day enrollment as in Art Education, Game Design, Graphic Design or Studio Arts major at Grand View.
Athletic Scholarship |
Grand View is a member of the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) and offers athletic scholarships in archery, baseball, basketball, bowling, competitive cheer, cross country, football, golf, shotgun, soccer, tennis, track & field, volleyball, and wrestling for men, and archery, basketball, bowling, competitive cheer, competitive dance, cross country, golf, shotgun, soccer, softball, tennis, track & field, and volleyball, and wrestling for women. Scholarships begin at $500 and are based on athletic ability as evaluated by the coaches. Athletic scholarships are renewable each year based on continued good standing within the athletic program. |
Catalyst Scholarship |
The Catalyst Scholarship is intended to support the education of a full-time student majoring in social work who shows promise as a strong catalyst for change. This $1,000 scholarship gives preference to students who are historically underrepresented in the field of social work.
Students must meet these qualifications:
- Admitted to the social work program
- Enrolled in at least the first full year after acceptance to the major
- 3.0 cumulative grade point average at Grand View
Applicants must submit an essay indicating how they see themselves as catalysts for change, both as students and as future social workers.
Application deadline: March 24
Apply Here
Diana (’87) and Philip Sickles Scholarship
- $2,000 scholarship
- Undergraduate social work majors given preference or other mental health fields/majors
- Has financial need as defined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
- Black student
- Preference given to first-generation college students
Selection of Recipient: Process
- The financial aid staff will select students who meet the selection criteria and inform them of their award.
- The Scholarship may be renewed from year to year so long as recipient continues to demonstrate financial need and maintains full-time enrollment.
Jacob F. Opel Memorial Scholarship |
The Jacob F. Opel Memorial Scholarship is available to sophomores, juniors and seniors who are studying nursing and business and are US citizens. Two $2,000 scholarships will be awarded. Must be a graduate of Des Moines Public Schools.
Application deadline: December 13
Apply Here
Lee and Diane (Gill '76) Doidge Endowed Biology Scholarship |
The Doidge Endowed Biology Scholarship was created to support pre-professional or science majors in their junior or sophomore year of class standing. The scholarship is given to students with a 3.0 cumulative grade point average or higher who have shown financial need as defined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Application deadline: March 28
Apply Here
Esports Scholarship
Grand View offers a competitive Esports program, which offers scholarships to a limited number of program participants. Scholarships are renewable each year based on continued good standing with the Esports program. |
Philip L. Hougen Campus Ministry Scholarship
Established in honor of former Bishop Philip L. Hougen, awarded to a selected number of applicants from Lutheran congregations who express intention to participate regularly in Grand View Campus Ministry. Awards range between $500 – $1,500 and are renewable based on maintaining a full-time day enrollment and participation in campus ministry activities.
This application deadline has passed, please check back soon.
Lutheran Music Program Scholarship |
A renewable $1,000 scholarship available to alumni of the Lutheran Music Program (Lutheran Summer Music) for students majoring in music, music education, or church music. Recipients may also audition for an additional Pro Musica Scholarship.
Marsha A. Conboy Shining Star Scholarship
This scholarship help students in their pursuit of an Art Education degree. Selected by the Art Education faculty, this $1,000 renewable award for students majoring in Art Education. Preference is given to those students majoring in Art Education and English. |
All-State Music Scholarship |
$1,500 is awarded to full-time day students who have participated in a high school all-state festival for at least one year and demonstrate talent in piano, vocal and instrumental music regardless of major. The All-State Music Scholarship is renewable based on participation in both an ensemble and private lessons with continuous good standing in both areas.
Musical Arts Scholarship |
A scholarship available to selected new full-time day students who demonstrate talent in piano, vocal and instrumental music regardless of major. Scholarships range from $500 – $4,000.
The music scholarship is renewable based on participation in both an ensemble and private lessons with continuous good standing in both areas.
National Alumni Council Scholarship |
This scholarship, established in 2013 by Grand View University’s National Alumni Council (NAC), is designed to assist students in reaching their educational goals. It is the donors’ hope that the recipients of this scholarship will seek to better their lives, and be positive role models for others as they work to improve their communities. NAC awards an annual $1,000 scholarship that is paid as two equal payments in the fall and spring semesters of the upcoming academic year.
Application deadline: March 1
Apply Here
The NEXUS Institute Theology Scholarship |
A scholarship of $5,000 is available to prospective students who are past participants of Grand View’s NEXUS program. In addition to NEXUS participation, students must be a Lutheran student who expresses intention to participate regularly in Grand View campus ministry activities and serve as a NEXUS mentor during the NEXUS program the summer following their first year of enrollment. Recipients are also required to major in theology and maintain full-time day enrollment. Renewal is also based on level of participation in campus ministry activities and NEXUS mentoring.
This application deadline has passed, please check back soon. |
Study Abroad/Study Trip Scholarships |
Grand View University values study abroad experiences and offer scholarships to students taking these trips. Through the Alice (Olsen ’60) and Dan Mikel ’60 Endowed Scholarship, The Merv E. Bro Scholarship, The Thorup Scholarship, and the Joan and Bertram Stivers Scholarship, students can apply for scholarship dollars to finance a portion of their travel experience.
Apply Here
April 15 for Fall and Summer semester study abroad programs/yearlong study abroad programs.
September 15 for spring semester study abroad programs.
November 15 for Grand View hosted May Term trips.
Theatre Arts Scholarship
First-year and transfer students who have applied and been accepted to Grand View are invited to interview/audition for scholarships offered by the Theatre Arts Department. Theatre Arts Scholarships are awarded at varying levels: Major, minor and interest, in amounts starting at $1,000 annually.