Residence Life

We welcome you into the Grand View University community, and continuously strive to provide a quality experience for you. Our mission is to create a safe and engaging community where everyone belongs. With over 800 students living on campus, residence life offers exciting opportunities to form meaningful relationships, ensure academic success, and enjoy life as a member of the GV family.

Your Road Map to Student Life

Whether you're new to campus or a Viking for life, you'll find Grand View offers something for everyone, from a variety of student organizations and other involvement and leadership opportunities. The sky is the limit!

Finding balance, having fun, and being an active part of the community are important to the Viking experience. College is a time to challenge preconceived notions and pursue your passions. So jump in. Lead a student organization. Discover new lands through study abroad. Join an intercollegiate team. Volunteer in the community. Now is the time!

Living With a Roommate 101

Living with someone can be a big change for most people. However, there are some ways to avoid having any major issues with your roommate:

1. Let your roommate know any pet peeves or quirks about yourself from the start
2. Address an issue when it is minor, do not wait
3. Respect your roommate (study time, personal property, etc.)
4. Be friendly, and open to new things
5. Follow the golden rule!

Following tips like this should ensure that you and your roommate have a great year together!