GV Leadership

It takes a village to keep a small, private university afloat. At Grand View University, we believe our village is a family, and our leadership is the family's first line of defense and support. Whether it be administrative planning or guiding our strategic plan, we trust in our leaders to supply the innovation, efficiency, and foresight necessary for forward progress.

Dr. Rachelle Keck
Dr. Patty Williams
Dr. Patty Williams
Provost - Vice President Academic Affairs

President's Council

Debbie Barger
Vice President for Enrollment Management
Peyton Deterding
Peyton Deterding
Vice President for Administration and Finance
Kendall Dillon
Kendall Dillon
Vice President of Marketing & Communications
John Howe
Dr. John Howe
Vice Provost for Student Affairs
Corinna King
Corinna King
Director of Planning and Strategy for the President
LB Lyons '08
Vice President for Advancement
Dr. Skylar Mayberry-Mayes
Dr. Skylar Mayberry-Mayes
Executive Director of the Jacobson Institute
Troy Plummer
Troy Plummer
Vice President/Director of Athletics
Tim Wheeldon
Tim Wheeldon
Vice President for Information Services & CIO
Rachel Cohen
Director of Faith Life