Dr. Brittany Cottrill Lloyd
Title: Professor of English
Dept.: English
Office: Jensen Hall 101
Check Out My Academic Website
Dr. Brittany Cottrill Lloyd is a scholar of rhetoric and composition. She has had publications in various journals including Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy, College English Association Forum, and Computers and Composition Online. She has also presented at local, national, and international conferences on the teaching of writing, writing centers, and the first-year student experience.
Academic Background
- Ph.D. English, Rhetoric & Writing - Bowling Green State University (2010)
- M.A. English, Certificate in the Teaching of Writing - Bowling Green State University (2006)
- B.A. English, Creative Writing - Bowling Green State University (2004)
Start Date at Grand View
Areas of Expertise
- Multimodal composition
- First-year writing
- Advanced composition
- The teaching of writing
- First-year student experience
Research / Accomplishments
- Bradwell, J., Carpe, H., Garnett, J., Gwinn, L., Peel, L., Roby, M., Roth, A., Rush, L., Thesing, N., VanDyke, B., and Cottrill, B. (2017).
- Review of Collaborative Approaches to the Digital in English Studies by Laura McGrath (Ed.).
- Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 22(1), Retrieved from http:/?/?kairos.technorhetoric.net/?22.1/?reviews/?cottrill-et-al/?index.html. Cottrill, B. (2011).
- Review of Teaching Multiwriting: Researching and Composing with Multiple Genres, Media, Disciplines, and Culture by Robert Davis and Mark Shadle Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 15(2). Retrieved from http://kairos.technorhetoric.net/15.2/reviews/cottrill/index.html Cottrill, B. (2011).
- Teaching Writing in a Digital Age: Addressing Issues of Access. College English Association Forum 39(1) Retrieved from https://journals.tdl.org/ceaforum/issue/view/155 Cottrill, B., Cozza, V., Fredlund, K., & Bowers, B. (2011).
- Teaching Writing in New Spaces: Access, Design, and Application in the Technology-Equipped Classroom. College English Association Forum 39(1) Retrieved from https://journals.tdl.org/ceaforum/issue/view/155 Cottrill, B. (2010).
- Complicating Communication in Computer Mediated Environments: A Textual Analysis of Blogs in the First-Year Writing Classroom. In J. R. Park and E. G. Abels (Eds.), Interpersonal Relations and Social Patterns in Communication Technologies: Discourse Norms, Language Structures, and Cultural Variables (pp. 202-219).
- Hershey, PA: IGI Global. Cottrill, B. (2009). Review of The Educational Potential of E-Portfolios: Supporting Personal Development and Reflective Learning by Lorraine Stefani, Robin Mason, and Chris Pegler.
- Computers and Composition Online (Spring). Retrieved from http://www.bgsu.edu/cconline/reviews/EdPotentialReview.html Cottrill, B. (2008)
- Review of Living Room: Teaching Public Writing in a Privatized World by Nancy Welch. College English Association Forum 37(2) Retrieved from http://www2.widener.edu/~cea/372cottrill.htm
- Brickney, C, Brown, S., Buttermore, M., Cottrill, B., Foor, K., Hall, W., LaPlant, D., McCrory, M., Shaffer, E., & Tulley, C. Class Review: What Video Games Have to Teach us About Learning and Literacy by James Paul Gee. Computers & Composition Online (Spring). Retrieved from http://www.bgsu.edu/cconline/tulley1/Splash.htm
Questions & Answers
What makes Grand View unique among other universities? |
One thing that makes Grand View unique is the ability for students and faculty to form close relationships. Faculty really care about students and are readily available to meet with them.
What is your favorite part about working at Grand View?
My favorite part about working at Grand View is my ability to get to really know my students. It's great being able to meet them early and then watch them grow and develop during their time at Grand View.