KC McGinnis

Title: Professor of Communication/Digital Media Production
Dept.: Communication
Office: Henning Student Center 146

KC McGinnis is a photographer, video producer, and Assistant Professor of Visual Communication and Digital Media Production at Grand View University. KC's work has been published in The New York Times, USA TODAY, The Washington Post, ESPN, Politico, ProPublica, Rolling Stone, NPR, and more. A licensed drone pilot, KC has provided aerial services for a range of clients including National Geographic and the National Resources Defense Council. KC was an early adopter of 360° video and virtual reality technology, and has been a regular contributor to The New York Times' and USA TODAY's virtual reality channels.

Educational Background

  • Master of Arts: Journalism & Mass Communication - The University of Iowa (2016)
  • Bachelor of Arts: Journalism, Art & Art History - The University of Iowa (2010)

GV Start Date

  •  August 2019

Areas of Expertise

  • Photography
  • Video Production
  • Drone Piloting
  • Virtual Reality Production
  • 360° Video
  • Photo Editing
  • Visual Criticism

Research / Accomplishments

  • First place: Religion News Association Award for Excellence in Religion Photography (2018)
  • Bronze Winner: The Telly Awards - Branded Content Craft Use of 360° Video (2018)
  • Official Selection: Atkins / CIWEM Environmental Photographer of the Year - Video (2016)

Questions & Answers

What makes Grand View Unique among other universities?

Grand View University specializes in breaking down barriers between instructors and students that may exist at other institutions. Students have incredible access to professors for close, one-on-one instruction and guidance. This is my favorite way to teach, and it's a big reason I love working at Grand View.

What is your favorite part about working at Grand View?
I love watching and helping students produce content for Viewfinder Media, Grand View University's award-winning student publication!

Student Testimonials

  • "KC McGinnis helped me achieve a project for a class outside of the one that I have with him. He taught me how to use new equipment, schedule studio time, troubleshoot editing ideas, and inspire me to challenge myself with projects outside of the skill set that we learn in class. KC welcomes any filming or editing questions anyone has and he would go above and beyond to help students get the content they would be looking for." - Mariah Koch
Klinton McGinnis