IRA Charitable Rollover
The charitable IRA rollover, or qualified charitable distribution (QCD), is a special provision allowing certain donors to exclude from taxable income -- and count toward their required minimum distribution -- certain transfers of Individual Retirement Account (IRA) assets that are made directly to public charities, including Grand View University.
On Dec. 18, 2015, the president signed legislation indefinitely extending the charitable IRA rollover, making it retroactive to Jan. 1, 2015, with no expiration date. Learn More
Charitable Lead Trusts
A charitable lead trust, the inverse of a charitable remainder trust, is an irrevocable trust that provides a fixed amount or a percentage of the trust assets paid to a charity, which can sometimes include a private foundation, for a term of years or for the life of an individual or individuals. The remainder interest is either retained by the donor or given to a non-charitable beneficiary, usually a family member.
A CLT is often created for lifetime giving and for estate planning purposes. Generally, the income tax benefits of a CLT may not be as significant as the estate and gift tax benefits. Learn More
Real Estate
Real estate consists of land, additional property on that land (such as buildings or machinery), and the property rights associated with that land. Learn More
Memorial and Tribute Gifts
Pay tribute to the special people in your life with a memorial or tribute gift to Grand View University. It’s a great way to honor your loved one and support Grand View students at the same time.
Memorial gifts are a lasting remembrance of a special person, such as a parent, grandparent, teacher, neighbor, pastor, etc. whom you wish to honor. Learn More
Endowed Gifts
Although the specific use may vary greatly, endowment funds have a common objective: to provide support not just for one year, or even one generation, but in perpetuity. An endowment fund is a permanent fund in which the spendable amounts are available for the designated purpose.
Creating an endowment allows you to fulfill your own personal philanthropic goals while helping support the needs and mission of Grand View University. Learn More
Donor Advised Funds
A donor-advised fund, or DAF, is a philanthropic vehicle established at a public charity, such as Grand View University. It allows donors to make a charitable contribution, receive an immediate tax benefit and then recommend grants from the fund over time.
An easy way to think about a donor-advised fund is like a charitable savings account: a donor contributes to the fund as frequently as they like and then recommends grants to their favorite charity when they are ready. Learn More