Community Service & Volunteering
At Grand View we provide students with opportunities for service that enhance learning and the growth of the whole person. Service to others is not only an investment in the success of others, but is also an investment in one’s self. Meaningful service is connected with academic goals using partnerships between the university and community agencies. Educational skills are reinforced while students engage in work that contributes to the community agency and the larger society. The skills, experiences, and perspectives gained from community service are reaped many times over by those who volunteer their time and talent. We look forward to working with you in these rewarding activities.
Involvement Programs & Projects
Iowa College AmeriCorps Program
The Iowa College AmeriCorps Program was created to increase levels of volunteerism among college students in Iowa as part of their academic experience, while engaging them in their local campus community. Members help meet the greatest needs in their local campus community by volunteering 300 hours of service in a year and in return, receive a $1,000 educational award to put towards their education. Interested to know more about Campus Compact AmeriCorps in Iowa? Check their page here.
MLK Week Of Service
MLK Week happens annually in January, during the week of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. In rememberance of the Civil Rights Movement leader, Grand View's Viking Volunteers, Diversity Alliance, and Multicultural Ambassadors organize a number of service activities to commemorate the Nobel Peace Price winner and Civil Rights Movement leader. A keynote speaker is included at the begining of the week (past speakers have included Dr. Eddie Moore Jr. - Director of the Priviliege Institute (TPI) and the National White Privilege Conference (WPC) - and Renee Hardman - West Des Moines City Councilwoman and CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Iowa) and service activities are held each day for the remainder of the week.
Past service activities have included the assembly of Blessing Bags, which are donated to individuals experiencing homelessness in Des Moines; making pet toys to donate to animal shelters; making tie blankets to donate to children's hospitals; and packaging meals for hungry Iowans through Meals from the Heartland.
Viking Volunteers
Viking Volunteers is a student organization devoted to serving the Des Moines community. Students involved in Viking Volunteers are able to devote as much time as they would like to volunteer work in the community. Grand View students have volunteered for events at Living History Farms, The State Historical Society, Habitat for Humanity, Lutheran Social Services, The Refugee Center, Festival of Trees, and The Aids Project of Central Iowa. Students involved in Viking Volunteers have a passion for serving others. Check us out on Facebook!
For more information on getting involved or the resources we provide for community service and service learning, please contact the Community Engagement Coordinator, at (515) 263-2843.
Views Forward
Grand View University has been a proud and committed resident of the east side of Des Moines since its founding in 1896. Campus improvements in the last decade have enhanced the University’s footprint along East 14th Street and surrounding streets. The Views Forward Project recognizes the impact the University has had on the neighborhood and aims to bring continued positive change through genuine and sustainable projects, programs and events that involve residents and businesses. Learn more here.
Get Involved

Handshake is a platform designed to connect students and organizations with various opportunities. Employers can create listings and search for users that match their needs, positions that range from jobs to volunteering to internships. Getting connected on Handshake is simple: just make a profile and begin networking with the businesses that match your skills and interests. Sign up
here today!