Club Title |
Description |
Advisor |
Alpha Chi Honor Society |
Alpha Chi, a national honor society, promotes and recognizes scholarship and strong character among students in all academic divisions of universities and universities. Membership is by invitation to all juniors and seniors, full-time or part-time, in the upper 10 percent of their classes academically. Students must have completed a minimum of 24 semester credits at Grand View in order to qualify for membership. As a student organization, the Iowa Theta Chapter of Alpha Chi exists to promote excellence and the love of learning among its members within the University and the community.
Dr. Joshua Woods
Alpha Kappa Mu General Scholarship Honor Society |
Steven Kellogg |
Alpha Psi Omega |
Produces student-directed work, organizes performances and fundraisers, and volunteers in the community. This group is the backbone of the theatre department.
Kristin Larson
Alpha Sigma Lambda Honor Society |
Alpha Sigma Lambda National Honor Society is a non-profit organization devoted to the advancement of scholarship and to the recognition of non-traditional students continuing their higher education. Potential inductees may be part-time or full-time students, must have completed a minimum of 24 graded semester hours at Grand View University, and have attained a minimum grade point average of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale.
Jacquie Welty
Phi Alpha |
Phi Alpha is a national social work honor society whose purpose is to provide a closer bond among students of social work and promote humanitarian goals and ideas. Phi Alpha fosters high standards of education for social workers and invites into membership those who have attained excellence in scholarship and achievement in social work.
Myke Selha |
Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society |
Membership in Phi Eta Sigma, a national academic honor society, is extended to freshmen students who have excelled in their class work. Any full-time student, with no previous university course work and a 3.5 grade point average for the first or first two semesters of full-time enrollment, is eligible.
Laurie Butz
Psi Chi International Honor Society in Psychology |
Psi Chi, an International Honor Society in Psychology, was founded in 1929 with a mission to encourage excellence in scholarship and advance the science of psychology. With nearly a million lifetime members, Psi Chi is one of the most renowned international honor societies in the world. Members in this honor society join the ranks of scientists that have dramatically shaped our world and culture such as Drs. Albert Bandura, B. F. Skinner, Phillip Zimbardo, and Elizabeth Loftus. |
Dr. Joshua Woods |
Sigma Tau Delta |
An honorary society for English majors.
Dr. Bobbi Olson
Sigma Theta Tau |
Zeta Chi is the Grand View Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau, the international honor society of nursing. The purposes of Zeta Chi are to encourage and recognize superior achievement and leadership qualities, to foster high professional standards, and to strengthen commitment to the ideals and purposes of the profession. Membership is an honor conferred on nominated juniors and seniors. Criteria for eligibility are completion of nursing courses through the first semester of the junior year, a minimum GPA of 3.0, and demonstration of superior achievement in academic status, leadership, and professionalism. Graduates of baccalaureate programs demonstrating excellence in leadership positions in nursing also are eligible for membership consideration.
Sherri Sigwalt |
Tau Upsilon Alpha Human Services Honor Society |
Jill Sudak-Allison and Kris Owens |
Theta Alpha Kappa |
Theta Alpha Kappa is a national honor society for professors and students of Religious Studies/Theology. The primary purpose is to further the study of Religious Studies and Theology at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The title embraces the three areas of primary concern to students of Religion: God, Humanity, and Community. Students may become eligible for membership in TAK by meeting the following requirements and any others determined by the local chapter:
- Completion of a minimum of two semesters at the institution where the inducting chapter is located
- Completion of a minimum of 12 credits in Religious Studies/Theology
- Attainment of a grade point average of at least 3.5 (or B+) in Religious Studies/Theology and a cumulative index of 3.0 (or B)
- Achievement of standing in the upper 35 percent of their class in scholarship. All members participate in the work and in the direction of the society.
Rev. Dr. Mark Mattes |