Internship Planning

At Grand View, you'll have many opportunities to get acquainted first-hand with what it will be like to work in a chosen field. Most majors offer or require at least one internship, practicum, clinical, or other job-related experience before graduation. Your internship is an important component of your Grand View education. Not only do internships give you the practical, real-world experience employers want, they can also lead to full-time jobs after graduation.

Starting your first year at Grand View, we recommend getting involved on campus or finding an on-campus job to gain skills and experience. For example, you might operate the latest radio and television equipment in Cowles Communication Center, write for the student magazine or practice clinical skills at the Wellness Center. Through classes, you may also create your own company in a business major capstone course, polish your creative skills in the graphic design lab or even explore the structural and functional relationships of the human body in the cadaver lab. Include these experiences on your resume to showcase your skills and help you secure an internship!

Academic Program Requirements

Since an internship is an academic program at Grand View, the faculty in your department have established eligibility requirements for student participation. To learn about internship details and eligibility requirements for your academic department, check with your advisor or the department's faculty internship coordinator for more information.

Setting Goals
One way to define a successful internship is that the experience provided a stepping-stone to reaching your career, personal, and academic goals. To begin planning for an internship, we suggest that you spend time considering your long-term goals and how your internship will help you achieve these goals. Think about the specific tasks and activities you want to experience and how these experiences will develop or enhance your skills and knowledge, aligning experience with the NACE Career Readiness Competencies.
Prepare for Success

Most internship employers require a formal application from interested students. If you need to develop a resume and cover letter, the Career Center offers resources to help you prepare a competitive resume and cover letter.

Additional application materials may be requested by an employer such as transcripts, writing samples, and portfolio.


While applying for internships, start perparing or interviews:

  • Research an employer's products or services.
  • Practice your responses to interview questions.
  • Schedule a mock interview with the Career Center through Navigate.
  • Review interviewing resources in the myGVU Career Center group.
  • Practice virtual interviewing through StandOut.
  • Develop your own list of questions to ask the interviewer.

A select number of premier employers schedule interviews for interns through the Career Center and CONNECT-Iowa Check the calendar of events to learn more about upcoming employer events. 

Academic Credit
Each department has its own process, forms and standards for registering and earning academic credit. The faculty internship coordinator in your department will help you with the planning and registration process and provide the necessary guidelines and forms to complete your internship.