Reporting Options

Grand View University is committed to helping a person who is reporting an incident of sexual or relationship violence make an informed choice about the options and services available to them. Grand View will respond to all reports in a manner that treats each individual with dignity and respect and will take prompt responsive action to end any misconduct, prevent its recurrence, and address its effects.

Depending on their roles at Grand View, staff and faculty have varying reporting responsibilities and abilities to maintain confidentiality. In order to make informed choices, you should be aware of confidentiality and mandatory reporting requirements when consulting campus resources. All Grand View staff and faculty, with the exception of confidential counselors and the campus pastor, are required to report disclosures of sexual misconduct to the Title IX coordinator. The university is committed to protecting the privacy of all individuals involved in a report of Sexual Misconduct or Relationship Violence. Information will be shared only with those individuals who have a legitimate need to know the information in order to assist in the response, investigation, and resolution of the concern.

If you don't know which option is best for you, please contact the Polk County Crisis and Advocacy Services at (515) 286-3600. An advocate can come meet with you or talk with you regarding your reporting options at no cost to you. These services are confidential.

1. Anonymous Reporting

Are you interested in reporting information to GVU without disclosing your name or identities of the parties involved?

You can report information about the incident anonymously to the Title IX Coordinator through LighthouseThe Lighthouse system is designed to give students, faculty, and staff a way to make a report when complete anonymity is desired. Depending on the information you provide, action by the university may be limited.

Report an Incident Anonymously

2. Report to Grand View

Are you interested in filing a report with Grand View or speaking with someone who can provide support, safety and accommodations?

The following Title IX Coordinators are responsible for coordinating Grand View's compliance with Title IX which prohibits sex discrimination, including sexual or relationship violence. They are available to meet with students or others as needed to provide information about options for complaint resolution, to facilitate an effective response to a complaint, and to address the way in which Grand View responds to incidents of alleged sexual misconduct and relationship violence.

Student Complaints 

John Howe
Senior Student Affairs Officer


Faculty & Staff Complaints

Erica Kluver
Erica Kluver
Human Resources Manager, Deputy Title IX Coordinator
3. Confidential Resources

Do you want to talk to someone confidential that does not have to report any information?

Student Counseling Center 

Heather Thomas
Director of Counseling Services
4. Report to the Police

Are you interested in filing a formal police report and having the incident investigated?

At your request, Grand View can assist in contacting law enforcement.  If you decide to pursue the criminal process, Grand View will cooperate with law enforcement agencies to the extent permitted by law.

Where the matter involves allegations of sexual assault or other criminal conduct and/or the matter involves the safety of any member of the Grand View community, the Department of Public Safety will notify law enforcement of a report of Sexual Misconduct or Relationship Violence. A Complainant has the option to decide whether or not to participate in any investigation conducted by law enforcement.

Des Moines Police Department

Training Materials

The following materials from Husch Blackwell were utilized to train Title IX personnel to coordinate, investigate, and assist in the processing of complaints of sexual harassment.

Download training materials