A Successful Journey to Denmark!

July 12, 2024

President Rachelle Keck embarked on a special trip to Denmark to reconnect with the University’s Danish ties, establish new relationships and develop global opportunities for students and the University. 11 members of the Grand View community were thrilled to join her. Grand View was founded more than 125 years ago by Danish immigrants and is the sole remaining Danish-founded University in America. The trip took place June 30 - July 6, 2024, and included meetings with officials in government, business/industry and education. A photo album of the entire trip can be found here.

Highlights included a tour of Skagen, a guided tour of Aalborg University, Rebild fest 2024 - 4th of July Celebration, a tour of Aalborg and more.

Dr. Keck was selected to be the American keynote speaker at the Rebild Festival. The Rebild Festival is an annual celebration of the American Independence Day in Denmark. It also serves as a homecoming for Danish-Americans. It is the largest event celebrating the 4th of July outside the USA. More information about the festival can be found here.

President Keck reflects, "I was humbled and honored to serve as the American keynote speaker for the 2024 Rebildfesten - 4th of July Celebration hosted by the Rebild National Park Society held in the beautiful hills of the national park located near Rebild, Nordjylland, Denmark. Prior American keynote speakers include Walt Disney, Ronald Reagan, Walter Cronkite, Dionne Warwick, Richard Chamberlain, and Hubert Humphrey. A truly surreal experience to grace the same stage these historical figures stood upon."

A video of her speech can be found here.

Philip Christoffersen, a journalist in Denmark, wrote an article featuring Dr. Keck titled "She will speak at the Rebildfest: Our freedom is more important than ever." Read the article.

The University is grateful to Marion J. Walker and Anker F. Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Andreasen and their families for their generous gifts to support Grand View’s Danish connection.