Alex Piedras Presents at Vocation of Lutheran Higher Education Conference

July 13, 2024

Alex Piedras, Multicultural & Community Outreach Director at Grand View, recently presented at The Vocation of Lutheran Higher Education Conference at Augsburg University. See below for a description of his session.

To Serve the Undocumented Neighbor–So That All May Flourish 

Alex Piedras, Multicultural & Community Outreach Director | Grand View University

NECU’s common calling, “called and empowered to serve the neighbor so that all may flourish,” urges us to learn about this segment of our communities. Many of our neighbors live in the shadows and deserve access to higher education so that they too may flourish. During this breakout session, we will learn about our undocumented neighbors and the existing barriers that may prevent them from gaining access to our institutions. We will consider some scenarios and share a model that could be duplicated at all of our institutions, along with discussing both successes and shortcomings while trying to serve our undocumented community members.