Courses & Exam Information

Selecting the appropriate courses to enroll in is a vital component to ensuring student success at the Grand View University. Students should consult with their Academic Advisors before enrolling to determine the best courses for their plan of action.

Your Grades

Some faculty maintain a course site on Blackboard so students can track their progress throughout the semester. Your official final grade, however, is submitted to the Registrar’s Office at the end of the semester to be added to your transcript. You can view your transcripted final grade in myGVU in myTools > Academic Profile > Grades by Term (w Mid-Term). Grades are typically due after finals week or the last week of the class by noon on the Tuesday.

Midterm Grades
For classes that last a full semester (not accelerated sessions), faculty are required to report midterm grades only for students earning a D or an F.  You can view it on myGVU in myTools > Academic Profile > Grades by Term (w Mid-Term). You can find the midterm grade reporting deadline on the Term Calendar.
Completion Plan
If you would like to see how your graded classes apply to your degree requirements, you can visit your completion plan. Go to myGVU and click the GV Self Service link (on the left hand side of the page, under Common Apps), and select the My Progress tab.
Explanation of Grades

There are twelve permanent grades that indicate the quality of students’ work in a course. Eleven of these indicate successful completion of the course: A (highest), A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, and D- (lowest). The twelfth, F, indicates failure to complete the course successfully.

Several other symbols may appear on students’ transcripts. The symbol P indicates that students have passed a course taken under the pass/fail option. The symbols S and U indicate that students have taken a course under the credit/no credit option (S indicates satisfactory completion, resulting in credit, U indicates unsatisfactory completion, resulting in no credit). The symbol W is entered on the transcript when students withdraw. The symbol Z denotes that the course has been audited.

GPA Calculator

Want to calculate your college course grades? Our easy to use college GPA calculator will help you calculate your GPA and stay on top of your study grades in just minutes!


Class Attendance

Regular attendance at classes is expected of all students. There is no system of allowed absences or class cuts. Special attendance regulations are the responsibility of the faculty member, who will announce the policy to the students at the beginning of each course.

Students incurring absences due to participation in off-campus experiences and trips approved by the provost and vice president for academic affairs have the responsibility of clearing such absences with faculty whose classes they will miss and arranging for any make-up work prior to being absent. Because approved trips are considered to be supportive of the total University program, faculty are strongly encouraged to allow students to make up work that has been missed. Final permission to make up work because of absence for ANY reason rests with the individual faculty member.

Even though the attendance policy is up to the discretion of each faculty member, non-attendance is monitored in the classroom as required by federal regulation (34 CFR 668.22).

Students are responsible for submitting the change in registration form to drop any class they are not attending.

Once a student has attended one class meeting for a semester, the student has committed to maintaining his/her entire registration for the semester, including the charges associated with those decisions. It is the personal responsibility of the student to know the University’s registration policies, to follow those policies when adjusting registration, and to verify through their record in myGVU that requested schedule changes have been made. Registrants who do not attend a single class during the first week of the semester will be administratively dropped from all of their classes for the semester; however, it is the personal responsibility of the student to complete the appropriate admission deferment or withdrawal process.