Parking Fines
All parking fines will be applied to the student’s account and may be paid in the business office. Following is the fine schedule for parking policy violations:
- No permit $30
- Permit improperly displayed $30
- Restricted Area $30
- Illegal parking in staff or visitor parking $30
- Parking in wrong lot $30
- Not parking between lines $30
- Exceeding designated time limits $30
- Obstructing traffic $30
- Failure to move vehicle when required $30
- Other infractions $30
- Parking in loading zones or fire lanes $100
- Parking along yellow or marked curbs $100
- Illegal parking in handicapped space* $100
*In addition to listed fine, illegal parking in a disabled space may result in fines from City of Des Moines authorities, and vehicle may be towed at owner’s expense. Temporary campus decals are available if needed.