GV Campus Ministry 

GV Campus Ministry  oversees faith life at Grand View. As a Lutheran university grounded in the gospel of Jesus, the pursuit of faith matters deeply to our identity.

For this reason, we welcome people at all stages of faith – the searcher, the doubter, and the committed – and support students in their spiritual journeys, regardless of their religious affiliation.

GV Campus Ministry offers a variety of religious programming: weekly chapel, Bible study, FCA Huddle, worship nights, prayer, interfaith events, service opportunities, and more.

There is a place for you at Grand View.

Weekly Events


Tuesdays @ 11 am | Sanctuary - Luther Memorial Church

Join us for our weekly campus worship service. Sing songs, hear an encouraging message, and receive prayer. All are welcome.

Huddle (Fellowship of Christian Athletes)

Mondays @ 7 pm | Henning Student Center

A shared ministry between Campus Ministry and  Fellowship of Christian Athletes, our weekly Huddle  consists of snacks, games, devotions, and worship. For athletes and non-athletes alike.

Bible Study

2nd & 4th Thursdays @ 11 am | Lykke Center - Luther Memorial Church

Study and discuss the Bible in community with others.  Whether you are committed, questioning, or doubting you are welcome.

Mosaic Worship Night

(details to be determined)

In Need of Prayer?

Stressed or burdened? Problems at home? Need some wisdom and discernment? We’d love to pray for you! 

Submit a Prayer request

Have a question?

Contact Rachel Cohen, Director of Faith Life, at rcohen @ grandview.edu.