A Letter From the Provost
Welcome to Grand View University!
It is a privilege for me to oversee the academic enterprise at Grand View University, where we prepare our graduates for lives of success and meaning as value creators in different types of organizations and as enlightened citizens upholding our society’s values.
With our unique GV Complete program, Grand View couples academic planning with financial planning so you’ll be able to complete your degree on time and on budget. In fact, Grand View is surprisingly affordable, and our added value includes small classes (average class size 17), attentive and dedicated faculty members (14:1 student-faculty ratio), robust learning support, experiential learning opportunities, excellent facilities, and a wide range of extracurricular activities. Plus, Grand View’s location in Des Moines, Iowa, provides outstanding amenities and unsurpassed opportunities for internships and careers post-graduation.
In your academic field of study at Grand View, you will master the skills and body of knowledge required of practitioners in that field. In addition, your Grand View education will develop essential skills that are expected not only for your first job but also for advancement in your career – skills like effective communication, cross-cultural competency, collaboration, and analytical and ethical reasoning. And we know that a Grand View education really works – consistently, 97-98% of our graduates are successfully placed within six months of graduation.
I hope you’ll come visit us – meet some faculty members, meet some current students – and see for yourself why Grand View could be just the place you’re looking for.

Dr. Carl Moses
Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs