Danish Exhibit Display

August 27, 2024

The Prairie Meadows Gallery in the Rasmussen Center at Grand View University presents two exhibits by Danish artist Susanne Thea. The exhibits will be displayed from August 23 to December 6.

These exhibitions are presented in partnership with the National Foundation for Danish America (NFDA). The NFDA works to strengthen cooperation among organizations with ties to Danish heritage and culture, and Grand View University’s Art & Design Department is excited to welcome a pair of traveling exhibitions this academic year.

“Snapshots: Traveling with the Poet Hans Christian Andersen” is presented in the front gallery space and consists of hand colored copper etchings based on the artist’s interpretations of Andersen’s travel journals and stories.

The back gallery features “They Came from the Deep Blue Sea” (mixed media, drypoint, monotype), a series of large-scale prints about the Vikings’ journey to, settlement in, and eventual abandonment of America.

The Prairie Meadows Gallery is open Monday - Thursday 8 am - 9 pm, Friday 8 am - 5 pm, Saturday Noon - 5 pm, and Sunday 2 pm - 9 pm.