New Student Orientation
We are so glad you have chosen Grand View University for the next chapter in your educational journey!
First-Year Students: Before you RSVP for an orientation date, please complete your next steps (after the next steps are complete you will receive a form to RSVP).
2025 Orientation Dates
First-Year Students
- June 18
- June 20
- June 23
- June 24
Transfer Students
Orientation Checklists
This checklist is a guide for several of the things you should do in preparation for orientation. Keep in mind that this list is not all-inclusive, but it does organize a number of tasks that are required as you transition to Grand View. It is important that you carefully read all materials you receive from Grand View and check your Grand View email regularly.
First-Year Student Orientation Checklist
Transfer Student Orientation Checklist
Online/Evening Student Orientation checklist
Orientation Schedules
First-Year Student Orientation Schedule
What to Do Before Orientation
Activate Your myGVU Account |
If you have not already done so, log into our myGVU portal using your GV Account. You should have received an email from Admissions giving you your GV Account username and initial password. If you do not have this information please contact the Help Desk.
Student Records Release |
Records Release allows you to give a parent a parent or anyone permissions to speak to Grand View about your student account, academic record and financial aid information. The privacy of student records is protected by law. Grand View University is prohibited from providing certain information from your student records to a third party, such as grades, billing, tuition and fees assessments, financial aid, and other student record information without your permission. You can manage your Records Release options via the myGVU app > Tools > About Me > Student Records Release or through GV Self Service > User Options > Student Records Release. Learn more. |
Set Up Person Proxy |
Person Proxy allows you to give a parent or anyone of your choosing access to your student account, academic record and financial aid information. Grand View does not mail paper statements, so this is the way others access your account information. You can set up your Proxy access via the myGVU app > Tools > About Me > Manage Person Proxy for your account or through GV Self Service > User Options > View/Add Proxy Access. |
Submit Your Photo for Your Student ID |
Login to myGVU and navigate to Campus Services -> Student ID and follow the prompts to upload your photo. You will receive your Grand View student ID at Orientation.
Complete Your Financial Aid Paperwork |
- Review your financial aid award notification (accessible mid-spring), available through myGVU within myTools located on the home page of myGVU.
- Report all off-campus/hometown scholarships to the financial aid office.
- View the online job board to learn more about on-campus employment and to search for jobs. On-campus employers may be accessible during orientation or could be contacted prior to the start of the semester.
- Complete Direct Loan Entrance Counseling at Entrance counseling is required prior to any disbursement of loans to the university. We encourage all students to complete this process if they ever plan to borrow during their collegiate career. If choosing to accept a loan, students and parents need to complete separate electronic promissory notes at
Inform Us of Any Special Accommodations |
Special accommodations for students and family members with disabilities and/or special dietary requirements will be provided upon request. Please notify us of your needs at least two weeks prior to your arrival.
Notify Grand View of Previous College Credits |
Make arrangements to have your transcript(s) sent to the Grand View Office of Admissions for college credit earned by:
Ask the college granting you credit to send a transcript to Grand View, including any courses that you are currently taking. For example, if you are taking a psychology course through your high school for Des Moines Area Community College credit, you must contact DMACC and ask them to send a transcript directly to Grand View. If you are unsure of whether Grand View has received your official transcripts prior to your orientation date, please bring appropriate documentation (such as unofficial transcripts) to orientation. This will provide academic advisors with more accurate information about degree requirements you have already completed.
Please note: You must have official transcripts sent directly to the Grand View Office of Admissions for earned college credits from all previous institutions to be entered in your official Grand View records.
What to Bring to Orientation
License Plate Number |
Remember to bring your license plate number to register your vehicle during orientation. |
List of Exams Taken for College Credit |
Even if you haven't yet received scores for Advanced Placement exams, bring along a list of the specific exams that you have taken. This will help your academic advisors identify which course requirements you may have already completed.
Financial Aid Materials |
A complete listing and the amounts of your hometown scholarships can be reported during orientation. You may also submit hometown scholarship checks during orientation.
What to Expect When Visiting
During your visit you will be walking in and out of buildings throughout campus, so be sure to wear comfortable shoes and check the weather ahead of time in case you may want to have a jacket or umbrella.