Resources for Alumni

Grand View's greatest strength lies in its people. Even if you haven’t been in touch since graduation, it’s easy to reconnect. Former Vikings are strategic partners in our continued success at Grand View University.

Did you know Grand View's services don't end when you leave campus? As alumni, you have access to many points of connection. This section will help you to explore the valuable resources available to you.

Career Resources & Professional Development
Searching for a job and preparing for a career can be overwhelming. That’s why Grand View offers free assistance to all alumni with job searching (including resume and cover letter development), preparing for interviews, and career counseling. 


Grand View University partners with Handshake - a modern career development platform - to be a one-stop-shop for launching your career.

Handshake offers new features, enabling you to:

  • Access personalized job recommendations based on your major and interests
  • Register for Career Fairs
  • Manage on-campus interviews with top companies
  • Search for careers, internships, and volunteer opportunities

View Jobs

Disclaimer: The Career Center at Grand View University maintains these job and internship listings as a service to students for their career development and job/internship search efforts. The announcements posted here do not represent an endorsement or recommendation from The Career Center staff or the University. It is the responsibility of each applicant to research the integrity of an employer and use caution and common sense when contacting, interviewing or accepting a job or internship.

Visit the Career Center for more information.

Transcript Requests
To request transcripts, go to and place your order through the National Student Clearing house.  It is fairly simple, just follow the step by step prompts.  

Grand View downloads all requests and will have them processed within 1-2 business days.  Grand View does not offer unofficial transcripts but we are happy to scan and email a copy of your official transcript before it is mailed out with an email request.  Additional questions can be sent to registrar @ and a staff member from the Registrar’s Office will respond. 
Auditing Classes

Grand View invites people who are 65 and older to audit classes without charge.

The policy for senior citizen students (persons aged 65 years or over on the first day of the class) is divided into two categories of students: degree seeking students and students who are not degree seeking.

Degree-seeking senior citizen students follow the same policies and processes as any other degree seeking student including payment of all regular tuition and fees. They are required to meet admission requirements, apply for Federal and State financial aid, and meet with an advisor to register after they have been admitted.

Senior citizens who are not degree-seeking are eligible to register for undergraduate classes at a discounted rate, equal to the fee assessed for audited courses (see fee schedule published by the Business Office each year) if they plan to earn credit for the course. To audit the course (attend the course without earning credit for it), the student must declare at the time they register that they do not wish to take the course(s) for credit, and they may attend at no charge. This standing cannot be changed at a later time. To receive this benefit, students must submit proof of age and a completed request form at the Registrar’s Office.

Those interested in auditing classes can contact the Registrar’s office at registrar @ to register.

More schedules of classes can be found on the Calendars & Schedules page.

GV License Plates

Grand View Iowa license plate

Great news! Now you can show your Viking pride with Grand View red Iowa license plate.

You can order a numbered plate or one with a combination of up to as seven letters and/or numbers. Go to the Iowa DOT website to order your plate. You’ll find prices and other details there, including how to order a plate as a gift.

We’re excited to offer this opportunity to GV alumni, friends, parents, students, faculty, and staff. We hope to see Viking plates all over Iowa!